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leather dreams | chapter six

leather dreams | chapter six___

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Her parents didn't call back like they said they would. Four days had gone by and none of them decided to share any news with their daughter. It was like she didn't matter to them, which was something the girl was getting used to as the last few days went by.

Her only distractions were homework and the non-stop training that Nat and Tony put her through. In their minds, she had to be prepared for every possible scenario, including ludicrous ones like the end of the world. They also prepared her for their deaths. For the deaths of her loved ones -if they actually happened and how she should control her powers under pressure and grief. How she could never lose control, for her sake and for the sake of everyone surrounding her.

It was a bad afternoon for Rosalie when they practiced those scenarios. She cried and twisted as her own powers battled inside her, crawling their way out of her skin. But she had to be stronger than them to prevent them from hurting anyone.

Tony was currently building a special training room for her, three floors underground. Specially designed to hold her captive in case of an emergency. Besides that little detail, she could practice with her powers without the need to be extremely careful about her surroundings. She could kick, break and bend anything inside the room that it wouldn't affect the outside world.

"Here, watch this." Tony pointed at one of the screens. "It's not finished yet but it's a great prototype of what's to come."

She could distinguish some kind of energy surrounding the walls of the room, stopping an alien object from coming in and an interior force from damaging the exterior.

"It'll be ready for your powers soon, probably in two days. I'll complete it when we come back from Germany."

The girl stared up at her mentor, a confused expression on her face. She remembered hearing a hushed conversation between the man and Nat when they thought she was fast asleep on the couch. She also remembered the grief in Nat's voice when they discussed the motives behind this sudden trip.

"Germany?" She had to play her part, pretending she didn't hear their conversation.

"Rosalie, we have a complicated situation in our hands." Tony started explaining, rubbing his tired face with his hands. "Steve is adamant to sign the accords and doesn't want to make peace with us. His pal, Bucky whatever Barnes, is a wanted criminal and he still chose to protect him."

The girl understood the pain behind his words. Steve was someone Tony had in high consideration, someone Tony trusted with his life. Having that same man betray him like that, she believed it must hurt like hell. Just like her parents had betrayed her.

leather dreams |p. parker ✔Where stories live. Discover now