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leather dreams | chapter fifteen

leather dreams | chapter fifteen___

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The girl was jumping up and down when she arrived at the party. She had been planning on waiting for Michelle and Mary Jane before she entered but couldn't wait any longer. The music booming through the walls was enough to send the blonde into a full dance routine in the middle of the sidewalk.

She also wanted to see if Peter made it to the party.

A car stopped behind her as she was getting ready to knock on the door. She looked back and smiled at the two boys.

"Look who's here." Rosalie mocked Ned and Peter, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Noticing the adult woman staring at her from the car's front seat, she waved lightly. "Hi."

"Hi, dear. I'm May, Peter's aunt." The woman leaned towards Rosalie and shook her smaller hand.

"I'm Rosalie." May shared a glance with her nephew, making the boy blush a deep red color. The blonde was oblivious to their interaction and shook the older woman's hand in hers. "It's so nice to meet you."

"You have manners, I like that. And it's very nice to meet you."

"Alright, alright. We have a party to attend." Peter separated the two and guided Rosalie to the door by her shoulders. "Bye aunt May."

"Behave!" She yelled out the window before speeding down the street, leaving three teenagers with dumfounded expressions on their faces.

Rosalie looked at the two and smiled. She was willing to forget about her problems for tonight, deciding to have as much fun with her friends as she could. She couldn't let her suspicions make her paranoid.

"Are you ready to have some fun?"

When none of them replied, Rosalie nodded anyways and strolled to the door, knocking vigorously.

The front door flew open, revealing a smiling Liz.

"Hey guys! I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself." She motioned for them to enter and Rosalie smiled tightly at her.

They entered the crowded house party and glanced around anxiously. Peter looked especially nervous that night. Two girls passed by in front of them, not taking any interest in their arrival. Rosalie left the two boys alone and searched for the drinks she knew were being thrown around.

"Girl, you look fabulous." A voice was heard from behind them and she turned to whoever spoke.

Mary Jane smiled brightly at Rosalie, pulling her into a bear hug along with Michelle. The two girls were wearing matching red shirts, Michelle pairing it with dark jeans while Mary Jane chose to wear a short skirt with it. They looked awfully cute in their outfits.

leather dreams |p. parker ✔Where stories live. Discover now