Chapter 21

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Few months later

Perrie is 9 months pregnant now and she had an amazing baby shower few weeks ago . She received a lot of gifts which she has already set in the nursery zayn made for azaana .

Zayn and Perrie packed the baby's bag and were ready to leave for the hospital . Being her due date today , she and zayn decided to leave for the hospital since she started feeling the pain and thought she was going into labour .

Zayn helped Perrie get into the car and held her through out the journey because she was in extreme pain . He also called both of their family members .

They reached the hospital and went inside . The nurse saw that Perrie was in labour so she arranged for a wheel chair . After Perrie was sat in it we went to the room .

She dressed into the hospital gown and was lying on her bed with zayn by her side who was holding her hand . She was extremely scared since she was giving birth for the first time but zayn supported her throughout .

When it was finally time , Dr Elsie came in and began . She split perries legs and asked her to start pushing which perrie was not able to do .

" come on per " he spoke .

" I can't " she cried .

" you can my love " he told her .

" yes come on darling " the doctor told her and she began to do it .

She clutched zayns hand tight and started pushing along with a lot of pain and screams . After about 10 minutes she let go and they finally heard the first cry of their little baby girl .

" congratulations , it's a beautiful healthy baby girl " the doctor said and the nurse took her away to clean her .

" see I told you that you could do it , I am so proud of you " he said and wiped away her tears after which he kissed her .

Within few minutes they saw the nurse come in with a their little bundle of joy who's tiny body was wrapped in a baby pink blanket .

Perrie was feeling scared to hold such a small body but then the nurse helped her and she took her little azaana in her arms . Both zayn and perrie had a huge smile on their faces as they looked at their beautiful baby girl .

She looked like a perfect mixture after blending zayn and perrie together .

" she has got your beautiful eyes babe " he said to her .

" and she has got your tiny nose " she said and kissed her nose .

She had got perries eyes but she got all her other features from her dad . Her skin colour was also a mixture of both their skin tones . He took her in her arms after her and he couldn't stop adoring her . She started crying again and so Perrie took her once again .

After few minutes the door opened to reveal jonnie , her girlfriend Lisa and perries mum . They had got pink balloons and a camera with them . Jonnie captured a picture of the 3 together .

" congratulations daddy zayn " she went and hugged zayn .

" thanks grandma Deb " he said and kissed her cheek .

" she is extremely gorgeous , such an angel " she said and took the sleeping new born in her arms .

" let's kidnap her jonnie " Lisa jocked and the room was full of smiles .

After they were done meeting the baby and parents the boys entered with another set of pink balloons . They places the balloons everywhere and surrounded the tiny bed next to perrie in which azaana was .

" she is definitely the most gorgeous member of baby direction " Louis spoke .

" that's obvious " Harry spoke . Perrie smiled looking at everyone who were adoring her along with zayn who sat on her bed side .

" can the favourite God father pick her God daughter " Harry asked .

" sure " perrie spoke and he picked the tiny body .

" sorry haz but her favourite god father is standing here " Liam spoke pointing at himself .

" who doesn't make mistakes guys , it's definitely me " Louis spoke and all of them got into a fight making azaana cry .

" now look what her favourite God father did " perrie jocked after she took her girl from Louis arms .

" she is so angelic even when she cries " Eleanor spoke .

" I want to have a baby too " Sophia spoke after she hit Liam playfully .

" guys we are going " Liam spoke taking Sophia's hand .

" why ? To have a baby " Harry jocke which got everyone laughing .

" no you cheapsters we need to leave since we are going to meet my parents today " Liam said and left along with Sophia .

one by one all of them left as it was getting darker . Zayn and Perrie could take azaana home tomorrow only so they had to stay in the hospital itself .

Once Perrie fed her , zayn took her and placed her back in her bed . Zayn got into the bed next to perrie and they both cuddled up an slept .


They could finally take azaana home which both of them were really excited for. Zayn stayed outside next to azaanas Baby bed while Perrie had gone to have a bath .

Once she was done , she dressed her baby girl into a pink pullover which had sunflowers on it and covered her whole body . She even made her wear a bow around and some socks .

" she looks so adorable " zayn spoke and perrie nodded in agreement and kissed azaana .

She wrapped the baby into her blanket since it was kinda cold outside .

" per , we saw a lot of paps outside " her mum spoke .

" how do we hide her " she asked zayn .

" we have a the baby carrier " zayn spoke .

" oh that's great " Deb said after she saw azaana and couldn't resist her too .

The placed her into the dark pink baby carrier , zayn held the carrier and Perrie held the baby bag . They went down to see a lot of paps wanting to click pictures . They had to go through them since they had no other choice .

Thank god ! There was security . Paps continued clicking pictures of them as they got into the car . They were relieved as they got into ten car . They strafed the carrier to the car seat and they least for home .

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