Chapter Seven - Wait On Me

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a/n okay, this chapter will be stupid (i couldnt find another word for it) because i was lazy and tired, and yeah. so please, bareeeeeee with me <3


Chapter Seven -

Wait On Me


With my mouth gaping open, my eyes wide, and my cheeks flushed, I probably looked like a retarted fish gasping for air, and failing miserably. I mean, I couldn't even breathe properly!

In and out.




I found air again once I realised he left, and I sighed with relief, sagging my shoulders, and gasping in air multiple times before my face went back to it's normal color, yet there was still a slight tinge of pink displaying itself across my pale cheeks. 

I felt stares burning the sides of my face, and the back, jealousy and disgust covering them, making me feel uncomfortable. I pick up my tray, no longer hungry. Not like I ever was anyways. I sigh quietly, and stand up, rushing to the trash can near the entrance to the cafeteria. But, out of the corner of my eyes, I see one stare that stands out amongst the rest.

I gulp visibly at Kate's murderous stare, rage and anger clearly visible.

I'm in some deep shit.


"Wow," Alex says once I've told her what happened this morning, and about Kate. Her eyes are wide, like mine were earlier, and she shakes her head slowly after a minute or so.

"Wow," she repeats, and starts laughing. Her face becoming red quickly, her eyes shut tight, and her dimples revealing themselves from her laughing so hard, and her smile growing. Her nose scrunches up, and she coughs, then stops coughing, then laughs again.

That repeats for a few moments before she calms down, staring at me with a serious expression. All I could think was, that she changes emotions fast.

"Okay, okay. So he barely kissed you, you're freaking out. You have a death wish, you're freaking out - wait, that's something to freak out about," she says quickly, looking confused, yet still serious.

All I do is nod, too kept up in my thoughts to really listen, yet I'm listening, but I'm not at the same time - does that even make sense?

"Dani? Are you even listening?" I hear Alex ask me curiously, worry evident in her voice, but it was like it was slowly fading away, due to me being too caught up in my thoughts. This may not seem like a big deal, and I'm acting like it's some supernatural fiasco.

The thing is, I've only been in love once, and that went wrong. Badly. So when Noah's decides to be a fucking rebel and nearly kiss me, it's going to become a big deal in my world.

1. I'm not ready for love again.

2. I'm scared

I mean, who wouldn't be scared? You're like a toy. You've been broken once, and you're finally fixed later on, except one place they somehow couldn't fix.

My heart.

And if, some way, somehow, I get damaged again, my heart will break even more, and there will be a zero-percent-chance to ever get me fixed again, and it won't be the same, just worse. Worse than it ever was before, and worse than it ever was after, if that even makes sense at all.

I suddenly feel a hand stroke my cheek softly, and I'm snapped back into reality, staring up into familiar dark brown eyes, and I avert my gaze, looking at Alex from across the room, and she wasn't there. I move my gaze back to Noah's, and I frown. He notices this, and quickly moves his hand away, a light blush creeping up his neck.

"Where's Alex? Why are you here?" I question quietly, still slightly absorbed in my thoughts. I hear a cough, and look at him again, and he's not there, instead he's sitting against the wall on the other side of the room, patting the spot next to him. I hesitate, but walk lazily over there, carefully sitting down next to him.

"She left, so we could talk -" I cut him off quickly with an incredulous look, and he smiles slightly, and countinues, "-she said you looked vulnerable, and wanted me, for some odd reason, to help you." He stops there, and I open my mouth to say something, and he shakes his head, holding a hand up. I quickly snap my mouth shut, and he, once again, continues. "So I came, because I actually care about you, and I don't know why, since we just met and I sometimes hate you and like you at the same time, and it's just - ugh, confusing." He finishes, hanging his head.

"I barely caught that," I tell him, amusement dripping from my voice, and I see a small smile grace his lips, but not from happiness, from relief. He was talking so fast.

"Um, so can we like, pretend that "almost kiss" thing never happened?" He asks quietly, blushing. And it's quite a sight, seeing that one quiet, mysterious boy blush, because it isn't something you see everyday. Or ever, sometimes.

"Yeah, sure." Feeling relieved was an understatement, I was beyond relieved, I don't want to go through that ever again, no matter how new it felt.

"Alright, then," he says uncomfortably, getting up to leave. He waves slightly, and opens the door, walking out.


"I hate you," I mutter to Alex when she arrives back at the room, and she grins mischeviously once I say that, and she walks to the bathroom, automatically turning on the shower.

I sigh, rubbing my face with my hands, this was such a bad idea, going here for the summer was, and it's been so.. eventful for the past two weeks or so. I swear my life is becoming a cliche story, and I actually hate that thought, even though some people would love it.

But I hate it, because some of this is so.. unreal, and it's just surprising, is all. And it's just something so different from when I was back home.

There's two reasons to why I want to leave so badly.

1. Kate

2. I may or may not be falling in love, slowly, but surely.


a/n oooooh, giiiirl.

lol, anyway, yay... this may seem to come fast, the her falling in love with Noah part, but hey, it's different :P

Vomment! in the trash can cx

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