Chap 16

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Let's fast forward to the special day....

Graduation Day

"Honey! So proud of you!" I heard my mum's voice coming from behind me while I'm talking with James. "Aww, mum!" I hug her and kiss her on her cheeks. "Your dad came." My eyes glancing around, if he's somewhere in the crowd. Until I saw him with, holding a bouquet of flower. He's walking towards me with a smile on his face.

I don't know how to react. He has been missing in action for months and left me here while he's back in London. "Dad." I said. I faked a smile but mum seems to know it when she squeeze my arm. "Congratulations, my baby girl!" He said.

He only gives the flower to me. He's trying to hug me but  I take a few step back. I want to hug him but something holding me back. "Thank you." I said. "Hi, Mr Lee."

I forgot that James is still standing next to me. "James!" He said. "It's been a long time!" Dad added. James smiled at him. Before he starts to talk, his dad came.

"Mr Lee! Well, we're having a dinner tonight, I want to invite you to my house. I'm sure your daughter would be more happy if you're there... " I can see dad is being hesitant. I'm sure he wants to come but he's probably think that I don't want him to be there.

I never hate him but I'm upset. I need some time to get over this and make up with my dad. I miss my dad...

"I'll see. Thanks for the invitation." He said before leaving us. Mum only looks at me and James exchanged look with his dad. "Did I just said something wrong?" His dad asked. "No. I'd loved him to be with us." I said. "I know you're."

"Tania! Let's take a picture then we can get out of here and go to our favorite place!!" James grab my hand and takes his phone out. We took several pictures with different pose. He drives to 'grill n eat' and I'm so ready to gain another 6kg... Not to mention, we're still in our graduation robe.

"The usual." James told the girl that has a tag with her name, 'Melody' on it. "Okay! Coming right next!!" She's literally half yelling and takes the other customer order seconds later. "For real we're going to wear this, the whole day? I'm literally sweating!"

"Then open it. We're not in the school area anymore..." I told him. He takes off the rove and put it aside. "Here it's. One for the lady and one for me."

He still manage to take the picture of the burger and me, that's still eating as I take a huge bite of it. "This is heavenly delicious!!" He said, wiping the smear of cheesy sauce that's on his upper lip. "I know right!"

"I know this is too straight forward but I'm just confuse with our relationship.... So what are we? Are we just really more than friends or friends?" He asked. "More. We're lovers but you're my friend for life. I'm willing to take it real slow and I know it's a bit confusing. I mean about us.."

"So we're-

"Save it cause it's a yes."

"I can't wait to tell my mum about this!" He said excitedly. He looks like a 5 year old when he's got a new toy from his parents. "James. Are you sure with that??"

"Yes! My mum really loves you! She said if we want to get married after college, she wants to help with the decorations...." I swear James's mum, she's the best. She may be a bit stern but she's cool. "I agree with that but I don't plan to get married after college but maybe after we got jobs..."

"I understand. Me too."

We spend the noon at the 'grill n eat'. I don't mind if I've to eat a lot today since he's paying for the meal. From i hate you to let's be friends to we're lovers, they're not what I expect us to be...

                            The End

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