28. Phone Call-Claire & Eloise

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"I'm so happy for you! Seb! Seb!
They said 'I love you'!"

"I'm sure Chris has already told
him about it."

"You're right, he's talking to Chris now.
When do you get back? Because my
wedding is in three weeks and I want
more than anything for you to be there."

"I'll be back on the 5th of September.
Your wedding is on that Saturday right?"

"I want you at the rehearsal dinner as well,
that's on the 6th at around 5:30. I sent you
the invitation and all the information
already so you should be fine."

"I promise you I'll be there. I wouldn't
miss the opportunity to eat cake."

"Speaking of cake; we took 5 hours of
cake testing to find a cake we liked. You
would think it wouldn't be that hard."

"Maybe you should have eloped."

"You're right, we should have,
but it's too late for that now; we
already paid the DJ."

"It will be fine, El."

"It will be interesting that's for sure.
Half the Marvel Universe is going to be
there and that will make both of our
families go nuts, especially my sibling.
It's because of them I'm now regretting
us having an open bar."

"I'll help you reign Olive in, I promise."

"You're a lifesaver, Claire."

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