John x Reader 🍋Lemon

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(I fucking love you John💞💞💞)
The man suddenly placed a jar of clear liquid onto the floorboards as he continued his sob story. I held my nieces' close to my chest while covering their mouths with my hands. We were all shaking since the killer was right above us, sitting on the bed we were hiding under. And he knows we're there. I gritted my teeth keeping a whimper from coming out. I shut my eyes tightly trying to make the tears go away since I was the adult here since my sister, Laura, just got slaughtered and dragged away by the maniac currently above us. He dipped a rag into the liquid and pulled it out and picked the jar up along with it.
"But then... I've found out the answer.. what the darkness is.. is.." he trailed off and with one swift movement he flipped the bed up making me and the young girls scream.
"IS ME!" He shouted. I quickly let go of the girls and using all my strength to push them to the door. The masked man suddenly grabbed one of the girls' wrists making me kick him in the stomach. He snapped his head over to me and he let the youngest go letting her follow her older sister out the door of the bedroom. He stomped to me and pinned both of my wrists.
"Pl-Please... please god oh please! Please don't hurt my nieces! Pl-Please!!" I shouted at him as I cried my eyes out.
"Please y-you can do whatever with me but please don't touch th-them!!" I kept crying not realizing he was going after the girls now. Just keeping his eyes on me.
"Anything. Willingly."he confirmed in a rough and scratchy voice. I nodded my head vigorously with the tears staining my cheeks red.
"Just please... do not.. hurt them" I breathed out right as he put the rag over my mouth and nose- making me pass out.

I woke up. A headache following after me. I heard so much screaming so I decided to open my eyes. There, my two nieces Kayla and Maddie, were tied to a tree crying and screaming hoping I would wake up. It was still night time and noticed I was laying on my back in the grass. I sat up and right before I went darting to Kayla and Maddie I heard the voice I dreaded.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" John said, I stayed sitting down and turned my head slowly to the man in front of me.
"A-And why n-not?" I sniffled.
"I will kill them" he said simply. I remembered the begging right before I passed out.
"I will not harm them if you do as I say, willingly." He said setting his axe down on a table. My eyes went over to the table to see very scary looking carved people and one had human arms attached to it along with human eyes that have been cut out of Laura's husband. I looked to the ground and cried so fucking hard. I hated being seen as weak in front of the girls but I can't do anything. I don't know what to do besides listen to what John has to say.
I let out a shaky breath and looked over to the girls and mouthed "it's going to be okay" to them before looking up to the masked killer.
"Al-Alright.. what d-do you want..?" I asked trying to calm my breathing and to subside the panic attack I was having.
"Crawl to me" he said firmly. Like he had been planning this before hand. I hesitated but got to my hands and knees and crawled in front of him and sat back once I reached his feet looking up to him.
"Say my name"
"J-John.." I nervously said. He looked like he got a high of some sorts making me disgusted deep down but I didn't dare show it.
"Stand" I did as told and kept my eyes to the ground.
He took my chin in his hand and jerked my head up to look at him in the eyes.
"Such a well trained boy, a very pretty boy too" he said as he scanned me up and down making me more tense.
"E-Excuse me?" I asked baffled.
"STRIP" he screamed making me flinch.
"N-No! Not in front of them!" I said but gasped when he grabbed his weapon and began stomping to the girls as they screamed. I grabbed his trying to pull him back.
"I-I'll do it!! I'll do it!! Just please don't hurt them!!" I screamed panic overflowing me. He stopped dead in his tracks with a menacing growl. He turned back around and dropped his axe. He stared at my body making me take a deep breath before shakily unzipping my jacket and letting it fall off my shoulders. I could hear his impatient breathing in deeply. Tears went down my cheeks as I cried silently as I took off my jeans and shirt. My socks were last.
"All" He said staring angrily at my underwear being the last item of clothing on me. I sadly looked over to the girls and told them to close there eyes and turn away. They did as told and I took off my underwear leaving me completely nude. John looked at my curvy body appreciatively before stepping forward pulling me into his hard chest as he slid his hands all over my body. All I could do was what for my next order and hope not to die.
Suddenly I heard the zipper on his pants unzip making me panic.
"Knees" He said. My eyes widened.
"KNEES" He shouted and roughly pushed me down to my knees. There I saw the bulge in his boxers since he already slid his jeans down slightly.
He pulled down the thin cloth of his boxers and his large member popped out. He prodded the head to my lips making me flinch.
"Suck" he demanded. I closed my eyes and took his cock into my mouth. I heard a low groan come from him as he put a hand to the back of my head. The member twitched inside of my mouth as I bobbed my head but apparently that wasn't enough. John began to throat fuck me thrusting his hips in and out making me gag harshly.
He reached his climax and his semen went down the back of my throat. He pulled away and I began coughing trying to get that shit out of my mouth. Then he jerked my head up to him just as I was spitting the white substance out with some on my lower lip. He seemed to like that.
"Swallow" He said lowly still catching his breath. I looked down to the ground and gulped down the rest.
"Good boy" he praised. I glared at the ground. He then pushed me onto my hands and knees again and he got down on his knees as well. Oh god.
Without warning he shoved his manhood up my ass making me scream. I gripped the dead grass below me trying to find some kind of comfort but I couldn't. He just kept thrusting and thrusting not leaving me a chance to adjust.
But soon all I felt was pleasure. I made sure to bite my lip hard to not let any moans escape. Especially with my nieces tied to a tree hearing all of this.
Then he grabbed my dick which was the last straw apparently. A loud moan erupted from my throat when he jerked it. All of this and I still don't know the face of the man fucking me. After that rather noisy moan came out I couldn't stop the rest of the small whimpers and gasps of pleasure from escaping. I can't believe my own body is betraying me- NO I actually can't believe I'm getting fucked by a maniac right now and enjoying it!
He pushed the upper half of my body down to the ground and held me there so that only my ass was sticking up in the air as he continued quickly pounding into it like he's been holding in all of his sexual fantasies for years.
With one last slap from his hips against my ass he hit a spot that made me see neverland and let out the most girlish moan ever as I climaxed. He came at the same time into my ass before pulling out. He slapped my ass for good measure before I passed out forgetting about the girls.

John to the girls: god damn your uncle's a twink
Also kill me

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