Jack Torrance x Reader

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I stood frozen still trying to apprehend all of the screaming and crying and that god awful smirk being shown by a man I once loved.

Ahem. Uh... I'm Wendy's brother! Her and her family are struggling for money so they managed to find a job where they all stay at this old huge mansion like hotel and house sit it for a couple a months over the winter and I'm coming along with cuz I NEED to get out of the house! I live with our parents since I just turned 19 this year, and looking for a decent house in the area is hard. Also I'm coming with because I know that Jack and Wendy have been having some... marriage problems lately and I wanted to be able to look over Danny if they were to happen over there. I'd hate to see Danny realizing his parents don't really love each other as much as they used too... but right now there are some bigger issues to be sealed with. Like making sure Danny has his fucking head in a minutes or 2.

Danny was crying harshly into the carpeted floor making my heart clench. Jack had his foot on top of his son pinning him against the ground while he had his axe raised highly. Wendy was terrified and furious all at once. She kept at looking at Danny and the front door that was nearby back and forth. She wouldn't... would she..?
"J-Jack.. please don't..." I breathed out since my throat was sore from all of the screaming and crying from earlier on.
"I adore your manners Y/n. One of the reasons why I'm so deeply in love with you. Now you don't want me to hurt Danny here?" He asked faking being surprised in the last sentence. I clenched my teeth harshly. What the hell is going on... I heard Wendy mumble something so I looked next to me where she was standing just as she raced to the front door but poor Wendy didn't realize the door has been locked for awhile now. Jack's reflexes kicked in and he instinctively threw the axe and managed to get Wendy right in the center of the back. The axe went through her and has pinned her to the door she attempted to escape out of. I covered my mouth and stumbled to my knees. I stared at the carpet as I heard the gurgling of blood coming up my sister's throat before I finally heard nothing but the tsking from the maniac in front of me.
"What a whore. She left YOU and DANNY to die! How dare she! Can't you already see how much better it is to be here, alive, with me Y/n?" He said with a low chuckle. I stood back up slowly.
"Jack. Do whatever with me but don't you Dare hurt Danny. He means the world to me and he should to you too... Danny.. it's gonna be ok.. I promise" I whispered to him while he whimpered. Jack without saying a word took his foot off of Danny and Danny immediately ran to me. I held him tightly and hugged him. I looked him over for any wounds but only some minor scratches and bruises. I looked back up to jack as he walked over to me. I tensed when he put his hand on my cheek. His smirk grew wider like he was planning something.
"Danny.... be a good boy and go into the dining room... stay there until I come and get you" Jack said  slyly. Danny looked up to me and I slowly nodded my head for him to listen to Jack even though I hated it.. so much. Danny hesitantly let go of me and ran off into the dining room which was across the hotel. Jack looked at me and grinned before backing me up into a counter. I held onto the counter ledge as Jack pressed his body against mine putting his leg in between mine slightly teasing my crotch with his knee making me gasp all the while he smirked evilly.
"I love you My Rose" he purred our and pressed his lips gently to mine. I just stood there but that stopped when he bit my lower lip hard making it bleed. I yelped as he pulled away glaring. I could see some of my blood on his lips. He quickly licked it up smiling before licking the rest off of my lips and forcing his tongue into my mouth.
"Mmh" I blushed when the noise came out of me. I felt his smirk on my lips as his hands travelled further down to my ass. He pulled away chuckling.
"Sensitive little thing aren't you My Rose?~ it's ok.. I'm fine with it." He laughed out. I then heard Danny scream bloody murder from the other side of the large building making me try to push jack off of me.
"W-What happened to Danny?!" I yelled out panicked.
"What? Don't look at me sweets I've been here the wholllleeee time~ also it's his own fault for not perhaps looking for a certain bear trap lying about" he chuckled darkly as tears leaked from my eyes. I couldn't hear Danny screaming anymore just the psychopath laughing to himself.
"Aww don't cry my darling rose. I did all of this just for you. Don't you feel special? Don't you feel wanted for once in your life?" He continued playing with my body keeping me pinned.

I gasped and yelped when I woke up from my dream. I sat up in my bed sheets rubbing my eyes. I looked down to my sweats to see them rented by my boner. I bit my lip and looked over at the time and date.
Today is the day I leave for the trip to the hotel to help them out...
I feel so bad but.... I'm going.

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