Leatherface x Reader

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All I could do was cry while Eric and Dean tried to comfort me. We sat in the back of a police car with a dead motorcyclist in the front seat and my sister Bailey in the trunk, dead, and god knows where Chrissie is at.
The fake sheriff was yelling for a guy named 'Tommy' which is probably short for Thomas.
Then a large built man with a black leather mask covering the lower half of his face came stomping over.
"Grab dinner will ya?" The old guy asked. The man, Tommy, stood there still for a second before leaning down and looking at me- I mean directly at me in the eyes.
"Tomas what the hells the matter?" The sherif asked impatiently.
Tomas looked back to who I was assuming was his father while he was still leaning down. He then let out a low grunt.
"What?" His father asked. Tommy looked back at me and the sherif followed his gaze until they were both looking at me.
"Oh I see. You want him?" He asked the much taller man. The black haired man nodded his head yes. By now me, Eric, and dean were confused as hell. I was especially scared cause god damn he's fucking terrifying!
"Fine then.. come out of the car boy!" The sherif yelled to me. I couldn't feel myself move at all out of pure shock and fear.
"An-And what if I s-said no?" I asked shakily looking up to them. The taller man Tommy opened up the back door roughly and grabbed my forearm dragging me out all the while me and my friends were screaming as the sherif guy just laughed.
"Or else that'll happen" he said and his face went back to seriousness.

"Tommy! If you're gonna keep that thing I don't wanna here no complaining! Now take the corpse with you two back to your little butchering room!" The older man yelled out orders. Tommy only grunts and picks up the lady's corpse and me and throws me along with the corpse onto his shoulders. He began walking back to the large house.
I screamed and cried for my friends to save me but that old cocksucker just dragged them to a garage I presumed. I couldn't really see them after this man took me inside of the mansion and shut the door.
"What do you have there Tommy?" I turned my head to see the same old lady from the store earlier sitting in the kitchen. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I thought if everyone in this fucking town is a psychopath. The lady walked up to us as Tommy stared down to her.
"Did you get yourself a lover? Goodness I knew your handsome face would attract somebody one day" the older lady swooned while I cried my eyes out onto the man's back. Tommy continued walking deeper into the house and soon opened a metal door and walked down a set of stairs that led to a large room filled with hooks and weapons with a metal table in the middle. Tomas tried his best to gently set me down into a cushioned chair in the corner of the room before heading over and dropping the female corpse onto the table making me squeak loudly.
Tommy looked back at me before grabbing a butcher's knife and looking back to the corpse. My eyes widened to the loud chop. I looked back to see him cutting her leg off. I held my legs to my chest and hid my head into my knees waiting for that ugly sound to go away.

It's been a few minutes from the last chop I'd heard but I was scared to what I'd find when I finally look up.
I decided it was fine now after another 5 minutes only to see the corpse dangling from a hook making me scream and back up into the chair. I felt a hand on my head and looked up to see Tommy.
"Pl-Please don't h-hurt me.." I stammered out. He brought his hand down to my chin and jerked my head up making me gasp lightly. He brought his other hand to my cheek and turned my face to the side while massaging his hand on my cheek. He was staring intently at my face which freaked me out. He finally let go of my face but he continued to stare.
"D-Do you talk?" I asked nervously. He shook his head no while keeping eye contact.
"A-Are my friends gonna be ok?" I asked hoping for a nod. He shook his head no again making me look down.
"They're gonna die aren't they.." I mumbled and he nodded.
"Am... Am I gonna die Tommy?" I asked with tears pricking my eyes again and finally using his name.
He quickly shook his head no.
"Why will they die and not me?" I asked sadly. He brought his hands to the back of his head and untied his leather mask and took it off. My eyes widened slightly at his disfigurement.
He quickly jumped down to his knees now at eye level with me and slammed his lips on mine, pressing me against the back of the chair as well. I grabbed him by the shoulders trying to get him off but he was obviously much bigger and stronger then me.
"Tommy! Come here a minute please!" The old lady yelled from upstairs. Tomas pulled away and tied his mask back on. He picked me up making sure to admire my flustered face before walking upstairs with me in his arms for some reason.
He walked into the kitchen and the lady was standing there. Tommy sat me on my feet lightly and I just stared at the floor secretly hoping an opportunity to escape would come up.
"Ah I'm glad you brought your little boyfriend with you. Tommy I'm just gonna get him a little cleaned up for ya ok sweetie?" The lady asked and Tommy slowly nodded his head a bit hesitant.
"Alright go see if Holt needs any help" she said and then he left.
"Take a seat ok honey" the lady told me and I did as told worried that I might end up on the menu this week if I didn't. I kept my hands in my lap as she grabbed a bowl of water and cloth and brought it to the dinner table.
"You're So well mannered" she praised when she saw me sitting. She was smiling the whole time as well. Then there was screaming outside from either Eric or Dean. My head jolted to the window but saw nothing.
"Wh-What's he doing to my f-friends?" I asked scared out of my mind.
"Don't worry about it, what's your name honey?" She asked.
"Y-Y/n.." I mumbled staring to the floor biting my lip trying to ignore the screaming outside.
"Nice to meet you Y/n, you can call me mama" she said. She dipped the cloth into the bowl of water and brought it up to my bloodied face wiping the red liquid off.
I looked towards the window again and saw Dean out there getting beat by that old man. I looked away quickly and covered my mouth as tears went down my cheeks.
"Don't cry N/n don't cry... everything's fine" her voice quivered as well.
She finished cleaning my face and then grabbed some bandage and wrapped it around my wounds that were still bleeding.
"Th-Thanks.." I whispered. If I was even gonna have a chance to escape then I need to be nice to these people and not get killed immediately.
"Aw you're welcome sweetheart" she replied and soon after Tomas came back in along with Hoyt and a lady I haven't seen yet. Holt went upstairs and Tommy went over to me and picked me up.
"Y-Y'know I can w-walk.." I stuttered out as he held me bridle style. He shook his head no and walked back to the same room as before. He sat down in the cushioned chair and held me so I sat in his lap making me blush.
His fingers went through my hair probably noticing it was cleaner then before. I just held still not wanting to piss him off. To be completely honest with you I could probably get used to this. But I can never do that to my friends, I have to get them and get out of here. Or at least help them escape and stay behind- god what am I saying I can't be falling for this Tomas gay can I?!
I sighed and didn't realize my back leaning into Tomas' chest as he combed his hand through my hair.
Then there was a sound of glass breaking upstairs making me jump. Tommy didn't seem to care about it so I didn't ask.
Then there was some faint yelling for hoyt and a door swinging open. Still Tomas ignored it.
Then holt started calling Tomas making him stand up. He sat me down on the chair and did a hand motion saying that I should stay here. He then grabbed a hook and ran upstairs. I curled up into a ball hoping that none of my friends caused the yelling up there.

I woke up from a nap I didn't realize I was taking.
I saw Eric being carried down by Tommy, he was over his shoulder and was all bloody too.
"Y/n!"he yelled when he saw me. He got dropped onto the metal table and he groaned in pain. Tommy walked up to me and his eyes looked like he was asking if I was ok. I nodded slowly and I could tell he was smiling underneath his mask and he pet my hair before turning back to Eric.
Eric saw the girl's body hooked up and tried to get off the table but got strangled by Tommy before Tomas punched him back to the table.
"N-No!! Don't hurt him Tomas!" I screamed getting up from the chair and running over. Eric looked at me weirdly since I knew this maniac's name. Tomas then gave me a gentle nudge back telling me to stay away. Tears ran down my cheeks.
"Don't hurt him!" I screamed to Tommy. Tommy looked hurt before grabbing some rope and dragging me to the chair. I struggled as he tied me to the chair.

"Eric.." I whispered out to him as Tommy began nailing some metal scraps against his wrists and ankles.
"Eric is Dean ok? Have you seen Chrissie?" I asked him. He seemed out of it and shook his head lightly.
Tommy then took a knife and stared Eric down as he screamed. All Tommy did was cut his shirt off though. Tommy began feeling his face like he did before with me. He looked like he was measuring the size of Eric's face and comparing it to his..
He then nailed another scrap of metal around Eric's neck.

I was screaming and begging for him to stop but Tommy wouldn't, Eric of course was screaming all the while Tommy cut pieces of flesh off his arm. I couldn't scream anymore just shut my eyes tightly and ignore all of the painful screaming from Eric.
Then I heard Hoyt calling for Tomas again making him stop and grab his chainsaw and march upstairs.
Only seconds later Chrissie came down the stairs.
"Chrissie!" I cried to her. But she went straight to Eric. Well he was injured so..
They had their moment while Eric and I tried to convince her to leave.
Then the sound of a chainsaw was going upstairs making me Chrissie and Eric freeze. I cried hoping that it wasn't Dean he was killing. Chrissie still attempted at knocking the metal restraints off but she was doing a poor job at it.
Then we heard footsteps. They were coming down the stairs as Chrissie his underneath the metal table.
Tommy came down with a blood stained chainsaw making me cringe.
"Wh-Who did you k-kill?" I asked while crying. He looked to me sympathetically before looking back to Eric.
Tommy examined Eric's face one more before turning the chainsaw on.
"NO TOMMY DON'T!" I screamed but it seemed like a whisper over the chainsaw.
Tomas then shoved the roaring weapon deep into Eric's guts probably going through the table. I cried and screamed under the loudness with bits of blood splashing onto me.
He was then done. He pulled the chainsaw out and turned it off. I sobbed loudly making Tommy stomp over to me quickly. He took my chin in his hand and made me look at him. He tilted his head slightly before patting my head and walking over to Eric.
Tommy grabbed a knife and began cutting off Eric's face. I stopped crying and just stared to the ground whimpering. After Tomas had cut the face out he walked over to a sewing machine he had. He took off his black leather mask and began working on his new one.
When he finished he went over to a foggy mirror and put it on. He turned to me and I let out a yell of terror. My voice almost being gone completely after all of the screaming. He walked over to me and picked me up and pinned me to a wall, he pressed his lips against mine making me want to murder this bastard and kill myself for liking this.
His hands went down my body and then to my ass giving it a squeeze. I let out a gasp at that action, he shoved his tongue down my throat making me muffle out a whimper. He kept making the kiss deeper in some way.
Finally he pulled away from the heated kissing only for me to scream again realizing I fell in love with the maniac wearing my friend's face as a mask.

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