Mision: Begin

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"Karin! Get up before all the foods gone"

Yuzu yelled as Karin grumpily sat up rubbing the back of her head

"ok I'm coming"

Karin mumbled crawling out of the tent as she saw Rukia and Renji sitting nearby eating and dressed in fancy like clothes the upper world people wear

"what are you guys wearing?"

Karin questioned as the two looked at her as she approached

"oh this?"

Renji points at the strange clothes

"this is the disguise, yours is right here"

Rukia says handing her the clothes.

"It's too bright isn't it?"

Renji said looking uncomfortable in the pure white clothes and silver buttons with white caps.

"ugh I hate wearing this too so please stop complaining"

Rukia said as she sighing pinching the bridge of her nose.

"ok I'll change after I eat"

Karin responded as she rushed to leave the annoyed looking Rukia walking to and open table. After sitting down Yuzu ran up with two plates of a small breakfast meal for the two of them the bags under Yuzu's eyes visible along with her small forced smile.

"here's your plate I grabbed the biggest plate I could find"

Yuzu winked lightly as she set the plate down in front of Karin

"thanks Yuzu as always"

Karin said stuffing a mouth full of rice in. After a few minutes Karin was done and looked over at Yuzu's barely touched food.


Karin whispered loud enough for her to hear waking Yuzu from her daze

"oh I'm not very hungry now I'll eat it later promise"

she said sounding as tired as usual

"ok I'll keep that in mind just make sure you eat we don't want to waste what people risk there life's to get"

Karin said a little saddened

"....I wish it wasn't like that...oniichan would've done something about this I bet"

Yuzu whispered in a low tone as anger flew threw Karin's eyes as she flew out of her seat


she yelled startling everyone around her including Yuzu making her flinch. Karin took a deep breathe and sat back down settling the people around with a cold glare

"....don't please just don't we don't need that now ok? I'm sorry for yelling now go get some rest...I'm heading out"

Karin said holding her forehead with her palm of her right hand. Yuzu nodded as she walked away slowly to her tent Karin watching her go with the corner of her eye. Seeing her small figure disappear in the tent she gathered the clothes and headed to change.


"Ok did I put it on right?"

Karin asked Rukia as she looked her up and down with concentration

"yes perfect ok are you ready then?"

Karin nodded getting serious

"ok the others are ready at the entrance let's go"

Rukia said as tension filled the air as they got closer to the entrance of the upper world.

"oh your here good good"

said Urahara with his usual grinning face

"yea I am, so has anyone seen how the knew knight looks like?"

Karin questioned


everyone looking around at each other for an answer themselves

"no one? well we're going to find out so let's go then"

Rukia said in a order like tone leading to the front of the group as the tension flooded the atmosphere.


Cheering and applause surrounded them as they split up hiding there eyes with their caps moving up the crowd slowly and less suspicious. Karin froze as she felt eyes on her she looked up slowly at the emotionless 'prince' Ishida and quickly looking down continuing to move. A bombing voice filled the air

"let's begin the introduction of our new knight the ONE-WINGED SHADOW"

Juha Bach said as everyone stopped including the resistance to blend in. A strange figure emerged from behind Juha Bach in bronze armor head to toe with a wing where his left hand is suppose to be and a sword on the other, something about 'him',which assumed to be due to it's muscular build, something they couldn't tell about the knight seemed familiar but couldn't put it on the right point of mind on it's familiar ness. the crowd stayed silent in awe at the knight as he walked up to the king and lowered himself one one knee in front of the king. A jiggling noise occupied the air as the king appeared to be taking off...chains?

'why would they have chains on a knight?'

Karin thought with a questioning look. When the king finished the knight VANISHED but to the Quincy and the resistance he used sonído, flash step used by...hollows and stopped at the front of Juha Bach's float and everyone began to applaud except us, the resistance. The people began chanting the knights name. We, the resistance and probably the Quincy's, could also see the chains that are still there on the knight like some 'pet!'

Karin scowled looking at the knight with pity and curiosity she couldn't control as she subconsciously kept moving forward towards the knight but froze when they began to move. Karin looked at the knight walking as he dragged his winged hand as people continued to cheer

"what the HELL IS THIS?!"

Renji yelled stooping the parade and catching everyone attention

"!!SH*T I forgot about Renji!"

Karin whispered under her breathe as she went to touch her communicator on her neck pinging Rukia in

"Rukia do you read?!"

Karin said panic in her voice

"Yes Karin, we'll have to go with plan B now!"

Rukia said with concern

"wait what plan B?! You never tol-...Rukia don't tell me you mean to-"

Karin responded trailing off as the knight turned his head toward her freezing Karin still

"yes Karin we're goin to have to fight our way out! On my mark we'll charge to Renji and head to the escape route don't fight unless absolutely necessary"

Karin didn't respond as she stared at the darkness of his non visible eyes right before he let out a hollow like cry his eyes turning a dark glowing yellow as he disappeared to being right in front of Karin

"! Ruki-"

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