Jared Leto/Joker

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Warnings: I don't know the specific names for it but, BDSM, Dom/sub. blood play, and obviously sex.

I really wanted to write a one-shot where Jared agreed to come home and be your joker for the night, so here it is.


Your nerves were on edge, tonight was planned and yet you felt your cheeks grow warm at the thought. Jared was going to come home tonight, after working on the new Harley Quinn movie, and he was going to be your very own Joker. You knew the idea was wrong, or at least you felt it was. The typical Joker character was pure evil, and insane. But you knew that Jared was a method actor, and trusted him enough to know he would never go too far. You took a deep breath, collecting your thoughts. Any moment now he'd walk through the door, it wouldn't be like usual. Where you greet each other with a kiss and talk over a nice dinner before going to bed. No, this time he'd show up with stark white skin, covered in a madman's tattoos. His teeth capped in shining metal. Butterflies filled your stomach at the thought. Since he first put on the Joker's mask you'd found yourself having schoolgirl daydreams of him. The thought of absolute submission was always a curious one for you. You'd dilly-dallied in the art of submission before, but never too far. At most allowing yourself to be tied up, or blindfolded. Jared's word of warning echoed through your mind from the night before.

"This won't be our usual play" His fingers played in your hair, as you stared into each other's eyes, "I don't think you fully understand what this means for you" His soft smile faded, and he searched your eyes for understanding.

"I can handle it, J" You whispered, leaning in to brush your lips against his. His caught your chin, and his blue eyes locked with yours again.

"I hope you're right, pet" He kissed you again then, before turning over in the bed, "Because otherwise, Mista J might tear you apart"

The sound of the doorknob turning startled you out of your thoughts. He was home, you quickly stood to your feet as he entered the room. Every nerve in your body stood to attention as he walked to stand before you. A smile was spreading slowly across his face, the light of the candles threw shadows across him, "Hello Kitten" He mewed, "I heard you want some Puddin'" He was slowly advancing on you, even the stride in his step was the Jokers. This wasn't your Jared in any way. You gulped, gathering your nerves together. If he could act like this for you, you could act along with him. A soft smile played on your lips as he reached out for you.

"Mistah J" Your voice felt foreign as you breathlessly cooed to him. His hands gripped your shoulders, bringing you closer. His eyes ran over you, like a lion on the hunt. He sucked in a breath.

"So naive" He chuckled, taking your hand in his, he spun you around. Your dress lifted with the wind. It was Jared's favorite dress to see you in. A deep red that clung to your bust and hips, before flowing away for a few inches below your butt. He purred softly as you came to a stop, "Such a pretty thing" You could hear the offset playfulness in his voice, "Shame" His hands grabbed the collar of your dress, ripping it halfway down the front, as a gasp escaped your lips. Cold air brushed against your breasts.

"Jared" You yelped, looking down at the dress in ruins. His hand grabbed your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes.

"Who?" He voice was barely more than a whisper, and yet you felt chills run down your spine. His eyes lingered away from yours, pausing to adamantly take in your bosom, before they ran back up to yours, "Rules Rules. Yes" His grip loosened on your jaw, as his fingers ran softly over your neck, "You need rules, Pet. Now listen carefully" He brought his other hand up, to cradle your cheek, "Ready?" You nodded, "Good" He gave you a wicked smile, " Now now now, first things first" There was a light in his eyes as he regarded you, "I don't want to hear a single sound. Nothing, not a peep, gasp, mewl" His face was inches from yours, and his hand dancing against your throat, moved to cradle the back of your neck, "If you break this rule" The smile, that infamous smile spread across his face, "I will enjoy every aching second of your punishment" You took in a shaky breath, trying to keep from making a sound, "Secondly, And I believe this is the most important thing for your small mind to remember" His fingers twirled in your hair, "I'm in charge, understand?" You nodded softly, and he purred, "Good pet" Both his hands cradled your cheeks, "I can tell you meant that" He nipped at your nose lightly, "You're going to be a good little girl for me, aren't you Princess?" His eyes crinkled with a smile.

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