She's Trouble // Joker Smutty One-Shot

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Warning!! BDSM situation. Abusive mannerisms. (Punching, slapping, whipping) General Joker degradation. This is for sure MATURE. And if you aren't into BDSM kinks, you probably won't like this.

You were sitting at the vanity, admiring yourself as you brushed through your hair. Mister J was out wreaking havoc around the city, but he promised you he'd be home before your little eyes fluttered shut. It was getting late though, even among your standards, so you couldn't help but start to worry. You took a deep breath, running the brush through your hair one last time before setting it down. You'd wasted half an hour sitting here. It was late but to pass the time you played in your makeup, even coated your nails with fresh paint. It helped keep your mind off why your Mistah J was late. You pursed your lips and cocked your head, watching yourself in the mirror.

"Kitten!" His booming voice echoed through the house. A smile spread across your face and you hopped up, running full throttle out into the hall.

"Daddy!" You squealed, rounding the staircase and skipping down. He stood in the open doorway at the foot of the stairs, his clothes were dirty and ripped to shreds. Specks of blood flecked his suit. His arms were opened wide and you hopped the last few steps right into his arms. He grunted as your weight landed against him.

"Hello Princess" He purred into your hair.

"Mistah J" You pulled away to see his face, he had a bruise raising under his eye. And a cut through his eyebrow, "What happened to you?" You pouted at him and he gave you a smirk.

"Batsy decided to crash my party" He answered, his arms were wrapped around your waist. He kicked the door shut and growled, pressing his lips against yours. You tasted his blood and sweat. His fingers dug into your waist and you giggled against his lips, pulling apart.

"No no" You shook your head at him, "You're not getting lucky till you're all cleaned up Mistah" You waved a finger at him, untangling yourself from his grip, "Come on" You gave him the biggest puppy eyes you had, "Lemme play nurse for my daddy" You pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck, and leaned up on your tippy toes. His eyes flashed at you, as his hands gripped your forearms, pulling them from around his neck.

"I wasn't asking what you wanted, Pet" He spat at you, his fingers dug into your skin, "Now" He took a step forward, pushing you back towards the stairs, "If you know what's good for you" He growled, "You'll run upstairs, put on the punishment collar Daddy got you, and sit waiting for me until my ass walks in" He released you with a shove. Your hipbone screamed in agony as you fell on to the stairs. But you ignored it, quickly getting back onto your feet and running up the flight three steps at a time,"If you aren't ready and waiting by the time I get up there you won't live to see the daylight, sweet-pea!" He hollered up to you. You glanced over your shoulder as he took the first step.

You rounded the corner and bursted through the door to your room. Quickly making your way to the walk in closet. You ran over to your vanity, opening the first drawer. Rummaging around, as you caught your breath. You knew better than to upset him when he was like this. Batsy must have really pissed him off tonight. You shook your head slightly, grabbing a sequined red collar, that read Bad Girl in bold black letters. You quickly latched it around your neck, glancing quickly at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a wreck, so you brushed back the flyaways, and quickly shimmed out of your nightgown. He had a bad habit of ripping apart your clothes, and you were rather fond of this chemise.

"Here I come, Kitten!" His growl echoed off the walls. And you snapped to attention, running across the closet and out into the room. You got down on your knees quickly, kneeling at the end of the bed. The door creaked open and you diverted your eyes. He purred, stepping into the room. Your eyes darted back and forth, watching him but avoiding his gaze. He loosened the tie around his neck, and walked across the room to his bar on the other side. He opened the mini fridge, grabbing a cooled glass of ice.He sat it on the counter. Pouring himself some Jack Daniels. He picked up the glass and walked back, stopping to stand in front of you. You stared at his shoes. He kneeled down, swishing the liquids around in his glass, "Look at me" He ordered, your eyes darted up to his. He chugged down the contents of his glass, and rolled his neck before looking back down at you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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