Chapter two

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Khaleesi was up ahead running as fast as she could she couldn't stop all she thought was "one foot after another until I reach the willow tree" over and over again that's all she thought 1 minute later she reached the tree with her friends close behind. Khaleesi sat in the tree and watched her friends struggle to get into the tree, Khaleesi was bored and helped them up, once they all were up she counted her friends noticing that Bryanna was gone she thought "she must be at home because she didn't want to come, typical Bryanna" Khaleesi looked up to the group and said "well now that we are all here, we can get to playing" Emerson was the only one to start talking saying "we heard a scream in this forest shouldn't we try to figure out what it was?" The rest of the group looked at him like it was the stupidest thing they had ever heard but Khaleesi thought it was the best idea that anyone could have, they looked around the tree, on the outside of the woods, and all over the forest, they found nothing, Khaleesi was confused and thought that this was strange she met with the rest of the group back at the willow tree and thought that "if they couldn't find anything then they heard nothing, but everyone was there, they heard it too, I know I'm not going crazy." When she looked back up Emerson wasn't there, they looked around everywhere, but they found nothing not a single clue of where he was, but he was dragged into the water by something that nobody knew or would believe but he was actually pulled into the water by a tree, it dround him, and nobody knew, that it was the job, of the willow.

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