Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

AN: A/N contains light spoilers for SEASON 8 EPISODE 5!!! Read at your own risk.

Dude, what the actual F*(k! I would just like to say here and now I loved (and even predicted) the Dany/Jon/ Arya/ Tyrion arch in this but my man Jamie is going to get better in this story! I am so disappointed that after episode 4 and the redemption arch that has been going on since like season 3 ended like that! Also, (unless they just want us to think it was the end and it wasn't) I'm very upset that they forgot that Cersei was supposed to die by the hands of valonqar and idk, im just not here for this...

Anyway, here is the next chapter and I have decided who is ending up on the iron throne, whether it happens on the screen or in these pages... So lets get the word count up and get into the actual pilot within these next few chapters because there is a LOT of work to be done before I can upload the ending (that I already wrote).


Chapter Three

Adira tossed and turned in her sleep, visions of what the world was to become playing in her mind; Flashes of fire and ice, death and life, and crowns being placed atop two heads. With a gasp, Adira shot up from her small cot in the loft. The vision still dancing across her eyes as they flitted over to the sleeping figures of her cousins. Her attention, however, was not occupied with the thoughts of the future for long, for the overwhelming heat in the small house pulled her gaze to the roaring fire. Adira gasped at the sight of the large flames, and quickly lowered herself from the loft and over to the fire pit.

Standing close to the flames, Adira began to chant in the native tongue of her family. The High Valyrian sounding like a lament as she forced herself to stay composed and to say the words. All her mind could think of was the death she had seen in the night, the bloody bodies laying on the ground, and a message from her mother was the last thing she needed to reaffirm the fact that the future she saw was closer than she anticipated. With a final word, the flames receded from a roaring torrent to a typical fire.

"Gods, why would she send a letter in the night, I feel as if I have been at the Smithy!"

Adira quickly grabbed the letter from the flames, trying to ignore the slight sting that the fire caused her hand, before turning to face her cousin. Artorius was leaning over the loft, wiping the sweat from his brow, as he cast as inquisitor look at Adira.

"I do not yet know," Adira responded.

"Well, what does it say?"

Adira unfolded the parchment to see the familiar penmanship of her mother. She longingly traced the letters, before letting her eyes comprehend what they said. It was evident that the message was written in a hurry, but Adira already knew about the information that the letter held, she just did not know it would be happening so soon.

"Mother says that the boy king is more like his father with every passing day."

An indignant scoff came from the loft, and Adira snapped her head up at the sound. Evex was leaned against Artorius so that she could see the Adira over the edge of the loft, her face showing the annoyance that she had previously vocalized. Evex raised a brow at Adira, as if to say, "but we already knew that and told her." Adira looked at her cousin in resignation before glancing back at the letter, then quickly throwing it back into the fire.

"You know, she will continue this foolish quest until you are certain that the Targaryen girl either will, or will not, rule on the iron throne."

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