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~Sofia Jeon POV~

I stared at the floor where all the blood were. Is this...really happening? I pinched myself. I'm shaking. I should have listened to them, I should have just ate at the hospital canteen, I should ha--

The sound of the gunshot made me fall on my knees. I'm currently hiding below the counter. The guy entered the shop, drunk and angry. His wife just left him and he's pouring his anger here.

I already texted everyone and told them to call the police. I don't know anything about defense, only prayers.

Before I could close my eyes, the guy was already infront of me.


"FUCK YOU!"I shouted and hit his head with mine. I ran to the kitchen and tried to find a backdoor exit but it was all walls here.

"Escaping death?"

I need to be tough, I should fight, I already escaped death before, and now I can do it too. Not today. Not today, death.

"I already escaped death before, I know how you feel, trust me, my husband left me while I'm pregnant, I wanted death, but when I--AAH!"

I felt the wind after a bullet pass me. Tears quickly fell from my eyes.


"Yo-you're drunk. Please, calm down."

"No, I won't calm down, but, do you want to know how to make me calm?"

I nodded, slowly grabbing the knife behind me.

"After killing you I might calm down."

He pointed the gun at me.

"NO PLEASE! I have a family, I want to see my son grow up, I want to see hi--"

"I don't care o--"

I ran to him and stab his stomach with the knife. He quickly moved and a bullet hit my upper arm.

I was about to ran away when his hands grabbed my hair. "NO! PLEASE! N--"

"Hands up! Release the girl!"



I can see Jungkook and Jungsoo outside with the police, the restaurant has glass walls that made me see them clearer.

Jungsoo is...crying. Its been a long time since I last saw him cry. He's already 15 years old and he never showed weakness to us. He never cried infront of us after a long time. I...I just want to carry him and hug him, the same thing I do everytime he cries as a baby. He looks so...weak.

He's calling my name. Just like before, just like when his finger got stuck in his toy. Just like when he had a bruise after playing basketball with his dad...Jungkook.


The man didn't spoke a single word. This is bad...this is so bad.

"Did you call the police?"

"N-no."I answered. He tangled me with his arms placed on my neck. "I-I can't breath!"

"You're going to hell for lying."

"And you?"

"I'm already in hell, remember? I killed the people here when you were hiding in the counter."he whispered. And yes, I can clearly see it. Dead bodies are around us. I want to cure them, I'm a doctor, but this moment is so fucked up.

"I'll count one to three, say goodbye to your son and husband before I bang this to you and me, one."

I looked at Jungkook. I wanted to tell him how scared I am, I want to be wrapped around his arms, I want his voice, I want him to tell me to be brave.

Well darling I'm facing death.

I smiled at him.


I looked at Jungsoo and smiled. I'll keep my faith strong, my two source of strength are outside.

I mouthed the three words to them.

I love them.

"I love you."


I kept my eyes shut and the next thing I know is I'm falling. I hear loud footsteps and I can hear Jungkook and Jungsoo shouting. I can also hear Jimin and Kyla. Why am I still functioning? Or death is just slow?


My eyes quickly opened and saw Jungkook, crying.

"Mom I love you, please don't leave me."

I saw Jungsoo holding my hand. Jimin is covering my upper arm with cloth. I...I didn't die, he didn't pull the trigger. I'm...alive.

"Baby."I whispered and quickly hugged Jungsoo. "MOM!"he shouted and hugged me back. Feels like before, his scent, his hair, his nape, he just got bigger, that's it. If I could just carry him right now.

I looked at Jungkook. Jungsoo let go of the hug and Jungkook quickly hugged me.

"You scared the hell out of me, Sofia."

"I was so scared, I was so scared Jungkook, I don't want to die, not growing old with you and our son, it made me scared, it made me want to run to you cause in your arms I'm secured, Jungk--"

"You're secured now."

"I know."

He kissed my forehead.

"Sofia, are you alright?"Jimin asked. I nodded. "I should've just come with you."he said as a tear left his eye.

"No, I won't like that idea, we might just die right away."I giggled. I saw Kyla crying behind him. I stood up and hugged her.

"You're really annoying."she whispered. "You too."I cried. She never cried hard infront of me, and it made me want to apologize to her. "I'm sorry."I whispered.

"You should be."she giggled. I smiled at her and wiped her tears.

I looked at Jungsoo and hugged him again. "Mommy is here, mommy is alive, I will be with you, always."I whispered.

"Mom...I want to be a soldier."

- - - -


This chapter showed why Jungsoo decided to be a soldier.

To protect her mom!

But that won't be the only reason, of course hehe.

I hope you like it, comment about your thoughts about it! Thank you everyone!!! Luv u!

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