Keeping Control

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"It wasn't suppost to go like this. No one was suppost to get hurt."

"I know. It's past that now it's okay."

Eight is talking him down. I can tell. He nods his head to Nine who needs my attention. It takes my focus to heal him so I miss whatever Five and Eight say. When I turn around everything seems more under control. Eight can do that, calm everything down. I'm glad he's here.

Five is breathing heavily looking at the ground.

"What happens now?" I ask and I can tell no one knows for sure. Five still looks at the the ground saying nothing. Eight holding his shoulders both to comfort him and hold him down. Five doesn't seem to mind.

"We grab the chest and head back to the car."

Eight answers authoritivly. Six and Nine staying quiet. Nine knowing not to worsen the situation and Six still weary of what just happened.

"No." Five says, his voice catching in his throat. "They know where the car is. And they are probaly on their way here too."

He speaks cautiously. It's clear he told the Mogs everything. I want to continue screaming at him, hitting him and punish him for betraying us. But that's not gonna work to get us out of here.

"Okay." I say calmly. "Let's just get out of this swamp."

Fives nodds quietly on the verge of crying again. Me, Eight, Nine and Six make eye contact with each other. Nine is struggling to hold back some snarky comment and Six is catching up. We are all asking ourselves the same question. What do we do now?

Eight whispers to Five telling him to stay seated. Really we just need to make sure we remain in control of the situation so everyone keeps an eye on him. Its not long until we hear them coming. Five stands and holds his hands out flat-expect the crushed one is blue and swollen- when he relizes we came back into battle mode.

"That's them coming. Of you want to go now is the time."

"Okay. You get in the boat." I demand harshly.

Five seems surprised and scared.

"What?" He asks

"Do I have to tell you again you sour ass traitor-get in the dame boat!"

He seems angry now. "Shut up! I could kill you all right now if I wanted- I'm in control here not you.." he's yelling. But then I break and a new legacy inside me shoots out and stabbing an icicle into Fives face. He falls to the ground crying out. I kick him in the side and let him wine. I use my telekinesis to get some rope from the boat and force his hands away from his messed up eye and behind his back. I tie him up tight both at the hands and feet. When we put him in the boat and leave-taking his chest- he shuts up. Getting over whatever pain he probably has. It isn't until were far away from his swap island that he says anything.

"Hey listen I'm sorry." He says from the back of the boat. It's been quiet for a while and everyone just ignores him.

"Look the pain is killing me here can you untie me." I look back at him. His face is bloody and bruised and his eye won't even open.

He's tied to the boat and tied up. I can't help but feel some sympathy for him. He sees it in my eyes. He takes a deep breath so I know he's trying to keep himself calm. I go back to him.

"Please" he pleads. "I won't use my legacies or anything I haven't this far and I won't okay? "

"I'll heal your hand so it doesn't hurt as much" I offer.

He nodds and sits upward more so I can reach his back. I heal him and take a deep breath myself. It took some concentration to fix him up.

Five stays quiet. I think I can almost see some tears in his eyes. I speak softly to him. "Just sit there. We won't be much longer." I say trying to comfort him. Apart of him is scared-I can tell. It isn't any fun being tied up and feeling helpless especially for us. We're use to being able to defend ourselves but we've taken that from him. It's only for now and for our own good. But it still hurts him-and us-to feel like that. He clenched his jaw and nodds slightly-leaning against the side of the boat. He'll be fine. I go back to my seat in the front. When I glance back I see five struggling to wipe his eye with hisShoulder. He's crying. That's okay. We're going to help him. Somehow.

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