Trust me?

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Lucys POV
"Hey Princess" Damian said as I arrived at school. He kissed my lips. Many girls looked at me with disgusted looks. After saying bye to Damian people looked at me as I walked over to Daisy. She smirked and opened her mouth.
"Ok the answer to you first question is last night. He asked me. Yes dad knows. Im not usre if he wants to hug me or kill me. And no i havent told him about dad yet."
"Ok but you didnt answer my other question!"
"What really! Ok shoot."
"Have you met Bruce yet"
"Sorta ive seen him but not properly talked to him"
"Ok. Lets go to assembley" we walked into the audortorium.
"Hey" Damian said smilling as he sat down next to me.
"Hey" I replied and planted a kiss on his lips. Smiling we both glanced to the stage where someine was supposed to be. Suddenly there was a loud crash and Joker appeared on the stage.
"Hello kiddies" he smiled his famous joker smile. Damian looked like the boy from 6th grade again.
"Calm down ok?" He looked at me and took a breath in.
"No problem"
"Hya Puddin" Mom jumped in.
"Great now all we need is Ivy and the dream team is back" I groaned. 'Bang' a gunshot was fired and hit a freshmen boy. Everyone entered a state of shear panic. People were running for the doors. When we got out teachers sent us home. But of course Daisy, Mike and I returned. Daisy became Green Willow. Mike became Catboy. And I became Red Card. When we arrived we saw Bruce Wayne hogtied to a wall. Trying desperately to break free. Guiltly I trudged past him to the stage.
"Hello Kiddies" Dad said smiling.
"Hi Mr J" Mike and Daisy replied.
"Hey Dad"
"Now we are waiting for batsy to show up. Can anyone tell me why?"
"If he doesnt show up it gives you more proof Bruce is Batman" I said loud enough I hope Bruce heard.
"Exactly right child" he replied giving me a huge grin.
"Hello are we interupting?" Came Nightwings voice. We all spun around to see Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl.
"Cat you help me with the boy. Ivy and Harley on Girl Batsy and girls you take care of the birdie. He grabbed his knife and we grabbed ours. Like last time we disarmed each other. Daisy reached for her gun. So I 'accidently' knocked her out.
"Oops. Now its just you and me birdie" I smiled.
"Bring it Red" he smiled back. Wait I recognised that smile. Well at least I think I did. We flung kickes and punches at one another.
"Catch" Ivy threw me her mind controling lipstick. Somehow shed managed to cuff Robin to the wall. I placed the lipstick on my ruby red lips.
"Pucker up birdie" I said.
"Get away Red I have a girlfriend and only she can kiss me." He snapped.
"You have a girlfriend!" Nightwing shouted.
"Yes later ok! Robin shouted back.
"Well I have a boyfriend. So were even!"
"Eww whod ever want to date you!"
"I could ask you the same question birdie" I sais right before kissing his lips. He looked dazed. We all left. Nightwing and Batgirl were knocked out. Bruce was still tied up. For some reason dad didnt plant a bomb but just left.

*Later in an abandoned werehouse*
"Take of your mask!" Dad ordered Robin who began to take it off before the window caved in and crashed down in dad. I gazed down at him. Damian. Hurriedly I placed the mask back on his face.
"Help Batman and leave here." I told him. He nodded and began to help batman. The control must of wared off as he glanced back at me before police cars turned up and Id left through a window. Once again everyone else had been vaught. But me.
*the next day*
As my eyelids fluttered open I realised it was Friday. No school tomorrow! I walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit.

After arriving at school I saw Damian run up to me

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After arriving at school I saw Damian run up to me.
"Hey Princess" he said smiling.
"Hi we really need to talk"
"Ok. Shoot"
"This is more of a round the corner thing"
"Ok" we walked round the corner. "So Lucy Lu what do you need to tell me?"
"I know wjo you are"
"Everyone does. Im Damian Wayne"
"The other you"
"What other me"
"I know you birdie"

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