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"What was that?" Damian asked Lucy looking out to the door.
"Lets go check"
"Luce dont you think we should let my dad..."
"Whats the matter? That League of Assasins training finally wearing off" she smirked.
"Fine lets go" they slipped out the door and snuck downstairs. Catwoman stood there. Damian followed Lucy. He knew she could handle this.
"Aunt Cat?" She turned.
"Luce? Umm Hey Kido"
"What are you doing here?" She folded her arms.
"Stealing?" Bruce walked round the corner. She smirked.
"Good to see ya Batsy" Bruces eyes widened in shock.
"Oh she already knew"
"Oops" Damian grabbed Lucys hand and the two disappeared upstairs. They could hear talking from downstairs. Well more shouting than talking.
"I am going to kill her" Damian looked at her shocked. He opened his mouth. "NOT LITTERALLY!!" He nodded.
"Its just.."
"Yeah because of who my parents are. I thought we were past that" she stood up.
"Im going home" with that she left. Damian ran after her. But she'd already left. Catwoman saw this.
"I'll talk to her" he nodded. The woman left.
"Damian? What happened?" He cried. Into his fathers chest.
"I..I said something I shouldn't have said and she left"
"Did you 2 break up?"


"GO AWAY!!!!" Lucy shouted.
"Hello Kitty" Joker smiled.
"Hello Clown" She responded.
"What are you doing here?"
"Checking up on Lucy"
"She was upset"
"Well she's fine. Bye"
"Wait!" Harley smiled phsycotically.
"What is it Harl?"
"We can lure Bats here"
"Smart girl" he knocked her out. Catwoman lay unconsious on the floor. Lucy heard a thump and walked downstairs.
"Aunt Cat??"
"Lucy go upstairs!"
"Dad what??"
"GO!!" She hurried back up. She curled up in a ball.
When the next morning rolled around Lucy lay in bed staring up at the ceiling.

 When the next morning rolled around Lucy lay in bed staring up at the ceiling

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She shoved on an outfit and left for school.
"Luce!! Please!!" Damain called when he spotted her.
"What!" Her eyes filled with tears.
"Im sorry"
"I..I..I love you" she flung her arms around him. Their lips embraced. When they pulled apart Damian spoke again.
"I really am sorry"
"I know" she smiled at him. "Please just don't do it again" he nodded and placed his arm around her as they walked into class.
At break Lucy stood talking with Damian just then Mike came up to her.
"Luce can I talk to you?"
"Sure, be right back Damian" she kissed his cheek and left with Mike. "So what's up?"
"It's my mom"
"Oh shit"
"I know where she is don't worry I'll sort it" she smiled and ran off. He nodded and looked at her confused.
   "Damian we need to talk" she tapped him on the shoulder.
"Sure" he walked away with her.
"Catwomans been captured by Joker and he's gonna lure Bats there" Damian looked confused but nodded. And the two walked into the hall for assembly. On the stage stood Bruce Wayne. Lucy looked at Damian confused. He returned her with a Knowing smirk.
"Hello children" Bruce smiled. Lucy could tell something was up.
"Now as my son attends this school, Damian stand up" Damian looked at Lucy, she could tell he didn't want to do it. But reluctantly he stood up. Everyone turned to look at him. Lucy was on the verge of bursting into laughter. Damian gave an awkward wave before sitting down again. "Since my son attends this school, I am pleased to announce that completely funded by Wayne enterprises that the whole school will be going on a 4 week trip to Metropolis in 2 weeks!" There were many excited cheers from students and teachers alike.
"So What does your dad need you to do in Metropolis?" Lucy asked as her and Damian walked out of school.
"Check out some stuff at Lex Corp and speak to Clark"
"Clark Kent"
"Wait Clark Kent is Super.."
"Yeah he is" Damian laughed. Lucy laughed too.
"Anyway I should be getting home"
"Wait you're going home?" Damian asked, worry echoing in his voice.
"Yes. I need to check if Selinas alright"
"Ok, be careful. I'll save you when I come. And it's also a perfect point to reveal to my dad who your parents are"
"Yeah maybe" Sophia replied. "Anyway, think you could give me a ride home?" She asked.
"Of course Princess" Damian kissed her forehead and opened the car door.
"Are you sure you want to go home?" He asked her, concern spread across his face and hanging in his voice.
"Yes I'm sure" she smiled and kissed his lips. "Bye" she smiled before hopping out the car.
"LUCY!!" She heard her father shout as she came in the door.
"Yeah??" She asked.
"COME HERE!!" He shouted again. She made her way up to her fathers office. Well more of a room filled with stolen computers, desks, books and other gadgets.
"Yes?" She asked.
"I saw that the young Wayne dropped you off today"
"Umm Yeah... Soooo"
"Why did he drop you off"
"Because I asked him to"
"He's my boyfriend remember?" She remarked.
"Well, ok. But oh never mind.." there was a huge crash, it sounded like a window breaking. Joker hurried downstairs followed hastily by Lucy. "Lucy go put on your costume" The young girl hurried upstairs. Nightwing jumped infront of her.
"Lucy??" He asked confused.
"Yeah, hi Dick, excuse me" she walked past him, he grabbed her arm.
"What are you doing here?"
"Look, it's complicated, I'll explain later, now if you don't mind I don't want to be here when Joker blows this place up" She hurried past him and into a room. She flicked up a light switch which revealed a keypad, she entered a code and the wall opened. Nightwing followed her inside.
      Inside there were weapons of all kinds, suits, information on hero's and villains and so much more. Lucy was stuffing it all into a dufflebag.
"Help me will you?" She remarked. He started to help her get all the stuff into the one bag. "Now you can stay if you want but I'm leaving" she pulled out what looked like a book but when she threw it down it became a hover board.
"Where'd you get that?" Dick asked her.
"Oh this. I made it" she smiled before zooming off.
     When she arrived at Wayne Manor the door was open and a note attached to it.
Lucy come wait in the kitchen, close the doors behind you.
Lucy did as she was told, she closed the door and walked into the Kitchen.
     "Miss Lucy, come down" Lucy followed the voice and found herself in the bat cave. She gazed around in amazement.
    "Miss Lucy, Master Damian requested that you wait here until he returns. He also wanted to speak with you"
"Thank you Alfred" Lucy smiled and put the ear piece in.
"Lucy! You're ok." Lucy relaxed as she heard Damian's voice.
"D listen, there's going to be an explos...." too late. Lucy heard a huge bang. "D??" Her voice was filled with worry. Alfred was trying to get ahold of Bruce.
"Master Bruce??"
"Damian you're alright! What's wrong"
"Luce it's..."
"Quinn's Dead" She heard Bruce say to Alfred. Lucy's eyes filled with tears. Her mom was dead.

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