Chapter 5

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Jeffrey's POV:

So my Caitlan is now three! God it's gone so quick. But she's still a daddy's girl. And Bisou, who now is hell of a lot bigger than Cait, is still her partner in crime. The amount of shit they get up to together, but I can never be mad with them.

So I've just walked into the kitchen to Cait and Bisou covered in peanut butter, and of course eating it out of the tub. "What's going on here?" I asked pretending to be mad. Both of them looked at me with sad eyes. "Who's idea was this?" Well both of them looked at each other guiltily. Then back at me. What was funny though was that Cait pointed at Bisou and Bisou lifted her paw up and put it on Cait's knee. "You two are as bad as each other." I chuckled. "Not mad daddy?" Cait asked. "Nah. How could I be mad at my girls eh? Now I say let's get you both cleaned up."

So I've been dating someone called Helen. We haven't been together long, around a month. Every time that we've been on a date, it's been during the day because I take Cait with us. I won't leave her with a sitter, and I've told Helen this which she's ok with. She knows that Caitlan is always my number one.

Tonight, Helen is staying over for the first time.    "Caity, Helen is staying tonight. That's ok isn't it?" I said, sat on the sofa with Caitlan on my knee. "Yeah daddy." She smiled at me.

Helen came over about 7pm. Cait was in her pyjamas ready for bed. I've got her into a routine of getting to bed for 7:30pm and she's usually asleep by 8pm.

"I'm gonna go put Cait to bed. Shouldn't be too long." I said to Helen. "Night night Helen." Cait said happily. "Yeah night." Helen said bluntly. Bisou growled at the response Caitlan got but she followed me as I took her up to bed.

I laid in Cait's bed with her. "Daddy, Helen not like me." She said sadly. "Of course she does sweetheart. How can she not? You're awesome, beautiful and my baby girl. How can anyone not like you eh? You're perfect." "Love you daddy." Caitlan said quietly. "I love you too baby girl. Always. Now let's try and get to sleep." I gave my baby girl a kiss on the head and cuddled her as she dozed off. Bisou (who's huge but she still lays on the bed) cuddled into Cait as they both fell asleep.

I went downstairs and sat next to Helen. "Wanna tell me why you spoke to my daughter like that?" I said pretty annoyed. "Sorry I'm tired." She replied. "Just don't talk to my daughter like that please." I told her. "Okay." She said and she cuddled up to me.

We headed up to bed at 11:30pm. Cait and Bisou were both fast asleep. Helen was cuddled up to me in bed. At about 12:15am, both Caitlan and Bisou came running in. Cait was crying. "Did you have a bad dream baby?" I asked her. She nodded sadly. "Come on then." I yawned. Bisou jumped up and laid at the foot of the bed and I put Cait in between me and Helen, who ended up turning her back on us to go to sleep. I just rolled my eyes and cuddled Cait as she fell asleep.

I woke up about 8:30am. Caiit, Bisou and Helen were all still asleep so I thought I'd get myself showered and dressed. When I got out the shower though, I heard Bisou barking frantically, so I quickly put my towel around me and ran like fuck to the bedroom.

When I opened the door, Cait immediately ran up to me, sobbing her heart out. I picked her up and looked at Helen. "What happened?" I asked confused. "She wet the bed! And now I'm soaking!" She said annoyed. "She's three! Kids at that age wet the bed." I yelled back. But then I looked at Cait, she had a red mark on her face. "Did you hit my daughter!" I asked, really pissed off now. Helen looked guilty. "Sh-She hit me daddy." Cait sobbed. "How dare you! You have no right whatsoever to hit my little girl!" I roared, I frightened Cait but I kept hold of her. "All you seem to care about us your daughter! We can't even go on a date without her! She's always in the fucking way!" Helen yelled again. Bisou started growling. "She's my daughter! Nobody comes before her! Now get out!" Helen went to get changed, before I stopped her. "No. Get out now! We're done!" She grabbed her things and I made sure she left. I rang the police to report what she did and I went back upstairs to Caitlan and Bisou.

Cait ran up to me still sobbing. "I'm so sorry baby." I bent down, and felt myself well up. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "She not coming back is she daddy?" She cried. "No baby. She's never coming back. Come on. Let's get you bathed and the bed changed."

I put Caitlan in the bath and let her have a little splash about before getting her out. "Does your face still hurt sweetheart?" I asked her and she nodded sadly. The red mark still looks awful. "Let's get some ice on it." I took her downstairs and got an ice pack for her. "There you go baby. Hold it there whilst daddy changes the bedsheets and gets dressed." I gently put the ice on her face before heading upstairs.

Once I was dressed and had the sheets changed, I headed back downstairs. Bisou had her head rested on Cait. "Let's have a look, sweetheart." I took the ice pack away from her face and the red mark had faded. There was a knock on the door, it was Norman. "Hey man. Came to see how you and Caitlan are. Where's Helen? I thought she was staying last night." Cait began to sob again. "I kicked her out this morning. She hit Caitlan for wetting the bed." Norman's face dropped. "Is she ok?" He asked. "She had a huge red mark on her face but it's eased now. This has kinda put me off dating for a while though, especially because of Cait. I don't wanna put her through that again. The right person will come along in time." I said. "Well when the time does come, Cait is more than welcome to stay with Uncle Norm for the night." Norman offered. "Thanks man. I think I'll wait til the right person comes along." I smiled. "Anyway. I came along to see if you two wanted to maybe go get some ice cream? Something to get you out the house a bit." "Ice cream sounds good to me. What about you Caity?" I asked Cait and she ran up to us excited. "Yay! Ice cream!" "There's our answer! Let's go stuff our faces!" Norman clapped his hands together and we took Bisou since the ice cream parlour is dog friendly. One day, the right woman will come along, I know it. Someone to be an amazing mom for my Cait.

That's chapter 5 guys! So I'm kinda thinking, I won't be bringing the right woman in for a while. I was wondering should I make it Hilarie or a fictional character? Mainly because I won't be bringing their real life kids into the story as that would be too personal I think.

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