Chapter 11

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Jeffrey's POV:

So tomorrow, Caitlan is 13. It's gone too quick. She still loves to spend time with me and Hilarie. She's still on Supernatural and loves it. If I'm ever filming which clashes with hers, Hilarie goes with her for filming. Caitlan has been asked to do cons solo sometimes but she refuses and says she'll only do them if I go.

Last month, we unfortunately lost Bisou. Cait was and still is heartbroken. So am I and Hil. Bisou was Caitlan's partner in crime. We miss her so bloody much.

It's 8am and both me and Hilarie are already awake. We're setting up Cait's presents in living room and making pancakes for her breakfast.

Caitlan came down. "Happy Birthday." We said in unison. She ran up to us and gave us a massive hug. "Right I think we should eat and open presents at the same time. What do ya reckon?" I suggested. "Sounds good to me." Hilarie smiled. "Me too." Caitlan agreed.

Cait got some new clothes. She absolutely loves them. She's got a new leather jacket, which she loves. Next she opened a small box. It's off me and Hilarie. It's a silver pendant heart necklace with a photo of her and Bisou engraved on it and on the back it said The Morgan Sisters. "I love it. Thank you mom and dad." She had tears in her eyes. Me and Hilarie wrapped our arms around her. "You're welcome babygirl." I kissed her head. "We want you to open this next Cait." Hilarie handed her a small envelope. I knew what it was. I just hope Cait likes it. "Are you serious? I'm gonna be a big sister?" She asked. In the envelope was a card that said 'you're going to be a big sister' and an ultrasound scan photo. "You're going to be a big sister baby girl. Is that ok?" I told her. She started crying again. "Yeah. I can't wait. How far on are you mom?" "Three months sweetie." Hilarie smiled.

A couple hours later, Norman, Jensen, Jared, Misha, Genevieve and Daneel came to see Cait. "Happy Birthday!" They said happily. "This one is off your mom and dad, they asked me to pick it up for ya." Norman handed Caitlan a box. When she opened it, she didn't know what to say. "I know we can't bring back Bisou but we wanted to cheer you up." I told her and she pulled out the Pug puppy out of the box and cuddled her. "Thank you. I love her. And although I miss Bisou, I know she's always with me." She held her necklace. Norman bought Caitlan a husky pup, Jared and Genevieve got her a kitten, Jensen and Daneel got her a bunny and Misha bought her a jewellery set that had her birthstone in. "I feel like Doctor Dolittle with all these fur babies. Thank you. All of you." She smiled. "Good job we got a lot of room for the fur babies." I winked at my baby girl. I can tell we've cheered her up. "I've been spoiled. A necklace of me and Bisou, some new fur siblings, clothes and an awesome new leather jacket, jewellery, finding out I'm gonna be a big sister-" "What?" Everyone asked surprised. "We hadn't told them yet Cait." Hilarie said quietly. "Oops. Sorry mom." "It's ok." Hilarie smiled. "We were gonna tell ya after Caitlan's birthday but I'm pregnant." "Don't worry, we won't make today all about the baby Caity." I whispered. We didn't wanna keep going on about the baby and make Cait abit left out. "It's ok daddy. I can't wait to be a big sister." She kissed my cheek. "How'd I become lucky enough to be your daddy eh?" I wrapped my arms around her and didn't wanna let go.

It's gorgeous weather so we're gonna go in the pool later. "So what are you gonna call your new fur babies?" Daneel asked Cait. "Well we all know I'm a huge nerd. I'm thinking, calling my pug Bellatrix and my husky Narcissa. My bunny I wanna call Cersei, and my kitten I wanna call Arya." I chuckled. "Awesome names darling."

We had a lot of fun in the pool. It mainly consisted of us having a water fight. We spent a good couple hours in there. Afterwards, we sang Happy Birthday to Caitlan. She's still shy when she's being sung to but she loved her cake. It said 'Happy 13th Birthday Caitlan' shaped as a devils trap. Of course it was a chocolate cake.

The new fur babies were running about playing. We all decided to have takeaway. "What do you fancy babygirl?" I asked Caitlan and she replied, "Chinese." "Chinese it is." I winked at her.

We all enjoyed the Chinese and cake. Everyone left about 10pm. "Thanks for my presents." Caitlan gave a huge hug to everyone before they left. We put the fur babies' beds in our room for tonight and Cait got in bed with us. "Thank you for an amazing birthday mom and dad." She cuddled into us. "You're welcome baby girl. You deserved it." I said to her and me and Hil gave her a kiss each and we all cuddled up as we went to sleep.

That's chapter 11 guys! Hope you like it.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now