6. listen before i go

268 12 2


Depressed! Tyler


Not gonna lie, I cried while writing the draft.


"Take me to the rooftop, I wanna see the world when I stop breathing."

His footsteps echoed loudly in the corridor, heart beating softly in his chest.

"Turning blue."

His dark eyes scanned the door that came into view, knowing the staircase leading up to the roof was right behind it.

"Tell me love is endless, don't be so pretentious. Leave me, like you do."

His hand shook as he grasped the handle, blocking out the voices that started to get closer.

"If you need me, wanna see me, better hurry, cause I'm leaving soon."

His eyes were met with the staircase and if he squinted hard enough, he could see the soothing horizon colours peaking through the door two staircases up.

"Sorry can't save me now."

It wasn't long before he met face to face with the top of the stairs, hesitating in front of the door.

"Sorry I don't know how."

Tears sprung up in his eyes as a calming breeze tugged at his clothing, looking at the setting sun.

"Sorry there's no way out."

He could hear footsteps following up to him but he forced it out, closing the door behind him.

"Taste me, these salty tears on my cheeks."

He closed his eyes as a few tears strayed down, letting out a shaky breath.

"That's what a year long headache does to you."

He slowly let his feet lead him to the edge, seeing children and parents leaving or entering the building.

"I'm not okay, I feel so scattered."

He leaned down and gripped the edge but only to sit down, his legs dangling off the edge.

"Don't say I'm all that matters, leave me, deja vu."

He finally let the tears fall, choking on sobs and clutching tightly to his chest.

"If you need me, wanna see me, better hurry, I'm leaving soon."

He finally let the voices break through as the door banged open and gasps were heard.

"Sorry can't save me now."

He heard his name being shouted and footsteps coming near.

"Sorry I don't know how."

Hands grabbed at him and pulled him back off the edge, his friends pulling him up onto his feet.

"Sorry there's no way out."

He could see a flash of blue hair and brown eyes, seeing a sad smile spread across a pale face that made him cry even harder.

"Call my friends and tell them that I love them and I'll miss them but I'm not sorry."

He struggled against his friends hold and tried to get lose, only to slip from their grip and fall to the floor.

"Call my friends and tell them that I love them and I'll miss them."

His friends pulled him back upright as he watched the pale figure blow him a kiss and fall off the building.


𝙩𝙮𝙨𝙝 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now