10. sleep

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Insomniac! Tyler


no Josh isn't dead in this one, I just can't think of anything for him but he's a caring boyfriend so just think of him as caring! Josh in this one :)

this throws me way back to insomnia so I'm gonna have a lot of fun writing this one :D

also, I still don't know how to finish a chapter :/


It's been a week since Tyler has slept and it came to the point where his anger got the best of him a few times and it usually took Josh to yell at him back to snap him back to reality. He doesn't mean to get angry but after a full seven days of no sleep and the pressure from his family (aka his parents) constantly asking when they're coming down to visit had his patience running very thin and the tiniest of anything just set him off.

The dim light cast of the lamp was the only thing Tyler paid attention to, it was 1:26 the last time he checked but that felt like hours ago and he didn't want to see if it was true or not. His boyfriend was cuddled up to his chest and, of course, sleeping peacefully. It was adorable, to say the least, and even though he couldn't get proper sleep himself, just seeing his precious love sleeping soundly had him feeling a little better knowing Josh didn't have to go through what the brunet had to. Josh was always cranky whenever he didn't get enough sleep so Tyler really dodged a bullet there.

Tyler let out a sigh and closed his eyes, seeing if there was just a little bit of drowsiness residing in him but nothing happened within a few minutes and Tyler knew it was hopeless. He wasn't expecting to see Josh tiredly looking up at him when he opened his eyes but it did startle him quite a bit.

Josh let out a small yawn before letting his lips soften down to a frown, "Still nothing?"

Tyler didn't want to respond because he knew he'd release a snarky comment if he opened his mouth so he just nodded his head, he knew Josh didn't pity him for having insomnia but sometimes obvious questions just tipped him over the edge.

Josh hummed and decided to change position, coaxing Tyler to lay upon his chest when the brunet raised a brow but still with mouth shut tight did as told. Sometimes Josh could get Tyler to fall asleep within a few minutes of cuddling him and softly cascading his fingers through the brown curls, Tyler told him he had 'magic fingers' multiple times but Josh always cringed at that and would rephrase it 'magic touch'.

It was easy for Tyler to relax within his boyfriend's touch so it didn't take long for his body to relax and, like always, somehow felt just a tiniest of sleep itching through his veins. Josh smiled when he felt the brunet's breathing even out and soft snores being emitted, continuing to soothe his boyfriend as he looked at the time. 8:46 looked right back at him and if it wasn't for the thick blue curtains, sunlight would paint every crevice of the room, and Josh knew the brunet would've flipped if he saw the sun creeping past the curtains.

Luckily Josh didn't have to work today but sadly Tyler did but Josh knew he didn't have to worry about a phone call, the brunet's boss had been filled in about Tyler's insomnia and it was rare for Tyler to miss a day of work but his boss let it slide whenever Tyler didn't come in for work.

The longest Tyler has ever slept was about four hours but when one o'clock had rolled on by with Tyler still sleeping, Josh couldn't help the smile spreading across his face. Lord knows the brunet needed sleep and Josh always made sure he doesn't accidentally wake up Tyler.

It was five minutes before two did Tyler stir, letting out a yawn and cuddling back up to Josh. Tyler could never go back to sleep once awake so Josh just continued to soothe his fingers through the brown curls before Tyler worked up the courage to speak without spitting out harsh words.

"I love you." It was mumbled and almost fast-paced but Josh heard it and smiled, "I love you too."

Insomnia and all, Tyler was still the sweetest person even if his anger got the best of him every once and awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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