~chapter 1~

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Dianne pov~

I wake up at usual time 6am and get ready for the day thankfully are school don't have uniform so I throw the same jeans that I've had since I was 13 that I don't think have been washed since I was 14 when my uncle was nice and put them In the wash as a birthday present. 

Speaking of my uncle... he...he.. abuses me, he's normally drinking with all his mates until 4am and when he gets home he doesn't crash he wakes me up and chases me around the house until I lock myself In my bedroom I would text or call someone for help but I only have one friend Amy and her phone got stolen a few weeks ago she doesn't know about the things at home and she always questioning why I'm at her house but she always lets me sleep In the guest bedroom which is basically mine anyway...

today started as usual getting dressed, slitting my wrist clean the blood but the blade in my backpack thats so old it has bug all in the pocket but I can't buy a new one I have no money

and walked out the door to the park where I cry for 5 minutes then go to Amy, she doesn't know I do self harm but I've nearly been caught 

I also get bullied by the gang called buttercreams (shit name tbh but I quite like the weirdness of it) they will do anything to get to me and it works they have every girl around there fingers to me I hate them all but somehow all the girls send nudes, shag em , and then brag day by day but I think joes cute but he hardly notices me the only time he dose is when he's gang about to hurt me he just joins in and laugh about it all 

theres also the "basic bitch club" which is basically the popular cool kids that drink Starbuck and shag the buttercream but a lot of them all them the "the slags of abc club" no reason its just a harmless name but if they find out someone talks about them they tend to beat them up and even if you haven't they still will.

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