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I arrived at Amy lucky her mom was awake and she gave me a cup of tea as she know what I'm going through she gave me some toast and I ate it her toast was always the best after 10 minutes gossiping with Amy mom, Amy finally came out of the room we all talked then looked at the time we were gonna be late for the bus so we hugged and kissed Amy mom and ran to the bus we were just in time as we stopped the bus pulled up and we got on and sat in the middle as everyone sits at the back 

we arrived at school and I had dance first as I choose it for GCSEs we walked into the dance studio we got changed in the changing room and started warm up we were quite early like 30 mins so we practise a duo and a trio for the upcoming comp as turning I saw a figure about 3 of them stood at the door... it was Joe, oli, josh the actually nice I blocked them out and carried on with my solo I finished it perfectly and Amy gave me a hug, Joe, oil, josh all clapped and I blushed a little 

"can you teach us a few moves" asked Joe 

"sure, Amy?"

"don't see why not" she replied 

we taught them a few moves and every now and then Joe would stare and just look at me it was making me feel uncomfortable until jack, Conor, Mikey, Caspar, walked on as we were teaching Joe "the magical left turn" (fox-trot) jack started pissing himself with laughter I gave him a death stare and he calm down 

"jack if you think this is funny would you like me to teach you a jive" I said 

"what in the hell in the world is that" he asked concerned 

in walked aj "perfect timing aj" I gave him a hug 

"whats up red" asked aj in his morning voice 

"seen has jack thinks a magic left turn funny should we show him our jive"

"HELL YES" replied aj

he put his bag down and started with the music, we hadn't done a jive in weeks and it felt good

AJ lifted me and I could see all the boys in amazement it came to the end of the song and we were in our last positions. Jack actually apologised and said that it was actually a cool dance that he would love to do then winked at me 

I cringed 


little did we know her dance teacher was at the door watching our jive she bardge through the door and AJ gave Dianne a hug I felt jealous but why?I don't like her? do I? 

the bell had went and me and the lads had pe we got changed earlier but little did we know that instead of rugby we were doing something completely different...

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