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that hug may not have lasted long but Joe and Dianne felt sparks maybe the could be the start of something newwwwww

  Dianne pov~

Dance was soon over but mrs Jill needed to talk to me 

"whats up Jill"

"would u like to do a solo at a comp next weekend ?" 

"YESSSS". " what do you have next lesson?"


" I will let u have next lesson off to start working your solo, I will help"

"thank you miss" you gave her a hug you started to warm up again 

"also Dianne" "yes" "u have to teach year 7 to 9 hip hop with ballroom seen as your captain now"

"yay I've always wanted to teach younger kids !!"

you started practising, Courtney and holly walked In 10 minutes before next lesson as I was finishing my solo Courtney tripped me up I just did a move to pretend that I didn't fall mrs Jill saw Courtney going to get changed when she called


"yes" "because your no longer dance captain, you can't teach the year 7 to 9"

"WHAT !!" " I'm sorry but go to next lesson"

"Dianne bush well, I wish you were dead !"

that got me thinking, should I die, never been enough but when my thoughts get the best of me I dance I didn't know until everyone started clapping I turned to see about 30 year 7 ready for dance I don't think they recognise me they all looked at each other until one called out 

"wheres Courtney ?"

mrs Jill walked into the room and she introduced me 

"okay little kids this is Dianne and she now your dance teacher"

"what happened to Courtney"- asked legit every one there 

"she no longer dance captain, so Dianne here will be teaching u from now on"

all the kids scream YES ! and run up to me and hug me 

"Okay let warm up" I said bravely 

we all warm up and a lot of the girls were flexible, mr Jill helped with warm up and made sure they shut up when I told them to 

"okay theres a comp next week and your all performing in it so lets get straight into choro"

we finished a full dance in 30 mins, THEY WERE AMAZING could definitely see them getting into the school dance club in year 10

after the final run through they all attacked me into a bear hug, after the bear hug we all got into a circle and stretched again so our legs won't cramp we all talked about random things they all asked question about me but the qustion they asked the most was " do u have a boyfriend" I said no a thousand time and thats where the boyfriend and girlfriend talk 

apparently Jada likes max tba they would be a couple and Lula& Adam have been dating since year 4 like jeezzzz I can't even get a bf oh well.

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