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There was once a girl, who like everyone else, had a twin, one who abandoned her, leaving her hurt and alone and lost in the world. Her thoughts had become too much for her and her lonesome self so, she ran until she couldn't run any longer and collapsed. Then, she collapsed on an abandoned crossroad. Here, she sat, too stubborn to cry about who had left her. After a while, the girl gave up and let into her whirlwind thoughts, allowing loneliness fueled bitterness to take over the few syllables she screamed into the vastly empty world surrounding her, a plea for help from anyone willing, she needed someone, and no one needed her. Before long, these screams had drained her of any energy she had left in her, and she none the wiser fell asleep in the field, the nights' air whispering thoughts of far off places that took her back to her brother.

When she woke up, she had to find a stream to wash her face of all the dried tears she had shed unwillingly. Upon walking to one, she found a man, one who had an off-putting stance that made her freeze in place. Not of fear, but of pure curiosity. He looked at her and asked her if she had wanted to go to a place, 'it will make you stronger, a warrior to defeat all warriors, and you will have the ability to find peace wherever you go,' the man had pressed. She, having nowhere else to go, agreed wearily, and he took her to a far off place.

A few millennia later, the girl had returned to Earth, with a shadow across one of her eyes- an inner storm brewing of a past she never liked to think of. She came for no other reason than to find her brother.

When years of searching had brought her to his home- a crumbled cemetery, she fell into a mourning rage. One that had driven her to do the things only she could ever do.

Later, this girl would be known to an elite few as the one, the only, the Mother Author. 

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