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Chucks p.o.v.

As I watched hannah walk out anger could inside me. I looked at Blair who was smiling. Nate ran after Hannah to try to calm her down.

"What were you thinking" I said to Blair she laughed.

"Did you really think she wouldn't find out. I did you a favor and plus now we can be together" I mov3d closer to her so I'm sure she can hear me.

"I don't want you" she looked at me shocked. I told her that a long time ago and I didn't want her I wanted her body. And to be honest I was scared to be with Hannah. She had been though so much.

I didn't want to hurt her more by making her fall in love with me. But now I think I broke her.

Hannah's p.o.v.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn around to see Nate. I whipe away the tears and fold my arms.

"Im sorry" I said trying to start a conversation. He looked at me confused.

"What for?" He asked taking a step closer.

"Well she was your girlfriend" I stated. I did tell bad for him I mean she wasn't Chuck but I'm sure he feels the same way I do.

"True but I did ask her to marry me" he said taking a step back.

"True" I gave him a small smile. He did the same.

"Come on let's take you to my place. You can hang low there so you don't have to stay with Chuck" he said grabing my hand and taking me to a limo. Do they just have limos following them?


Nate took me to his place. He took me to the guest room and told me to stay there. I do as he said and made myself comfortable. I lay on the bed and fall asleep. Today was bad very bad.


I woke up still in my clothes from last night on.  I sit up and walk over to the big window at the other end of the room. I pull the black curtains away to look at the view. I look out at the city its so amazing.

I felt someone behind me so I turn around to see Nate looking at me in awe. He walks over to me and looks out the window I turn back to the window.

"Did you sleep well" he said breaking the ice.

"Kinda" I turn to look at Nate I step closer to him.

"Thank you. For letting me stay here last night" I said. He takes his eyes away from the view and looks at me. He puts his hand on my shoulder sending goosebumps down my body.

"You are always welcome here. Come on let's get you out of that dress" he said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to his room.

He opened a black door that was to his room. My eyes went right to the window. The white certens closed his room was mostly white. His bed was big and had white sheets on it. He walked me over to his closet he got out a plain blue shirt and gave it to me. He also gave me a pair of boxers to wear he pointed to the bathroom and told me to get dressed in there.

I did as he said and got dressed. It was weird wearing his clothes it made me tho k of Chuck. And how I would wear his clothes all the time. I shake my head and push the though of Chuck aside.

I walk out of the bathroom to a emptey room. I opened the door and looked in the hallway for him. But he wasn't there I started to get kinda scared. What if he left. When Chuck would leave I would feel so alone and I didn't like that.

A door across the hall opened I jump a little. Nate walked out the room and closed the door behind him. He walks tored me and I stay in place.

"Ok. Let's eat" he said as he grabbed my hand again and takes me down stairs. He sits me down at the table he goes into the kitchen. The table was set and it looked so......different from what I was used to. With Chuck I felt at home but here I feel weird.

Like I don't belong here my thoughts were interrupted by Nate putting a plate of pancakes infrount of me. He sits at the seat next to me and starts to eat. There was a knock on the door it made me jump a little. I look at Nate worried he gives me a smile and gets up from the table.

He walks over to the door and opens it. I follow behind him I let out a sigh in relief. It was just Dan. He looked shocked to see me I walk back over to the table. I was hungry and honestly I knew Dan was going to say something.

And I just wanted somthing in my stomach before I had to explain why I was here. I could hear Dan and Nate whisper at the door I roll my eyes.

"Do you want to ask me your self or are you just gonna whisper" I stated as I put a cut off bite of pancake in my mouth. I turn around to look at the boys.

"So are you two a thing?" Dan ask I almost choke at his words.

"No something happened with Chuck and Nate let me stay here" I said.

"Oh. Well what happened?" He asked. I knew he would ask.

"He sleeped with Blair" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.  I turned around and took another bite of pancake. I could feel him behind me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist I start to feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sorry" he whispered in my ear and sends shivers down my spine. I quickly move his hands and walk over to Nate. I don't look back at Dan. I don't like him in that way and I need him to know that. But I also need support from him.

I stand on my tipy toes and put my lips close to his ear. I place my hand on his chest and whisper in his ear.

"I need clothes" I say as I stand on my feet again still with my hand on his chest I smile at him making him blush.

"Right! I forgot I will go get them for you" he said. I look at Dan who is confused I laugh a little and take my hand off Nate's chest. He grabs his keys and coat.

"Do you want to come with me?" He ask. I say nothing for a while and then I speak.

"Sure" this is not going to end well.

 Never Thought I'd Fall For Chuck BassWhere stories live. Discover now