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The lemo stoped at Nates place and he got out. He opened the door for me and I thanked him. The lemo guy got my bags and brought them in. I thanked him and went inside. Nate was sitting on the couch with his hands in his lap. He was looking at the floor so he didn't see me walking closer to him.

"Nate. Are you ok?" I ask.

"Why do people keep asking that! I'm fine!" he said.

"I don't believe you!" I sat next to him putting one leg hunger the other.

"Its about Selena!" Of course it is. This bitch is always the problem.

"What about Selena?"

"I think I love her....." Hell no! He is not in love he's just confused.

"No your not" oh shit did I say that outload. Fuck.

"Nate even if you did love her she doesn't love you" it was harsh to say but it had to be done. He got up and walk out the room I didn't follow him he needs his time.

I wasn't hungry so I didn't make dinner Nate has been in his room all day. I stand outside the door trying to deside if I should knock or not.

"Fuck it" I mumble. I open the door with hesitation. He was laying in his bed with nothing but his boxers on. I roll my eyes and sit on the end of the bed.

"Nate....." He turns to face me. Tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry.......i-I didn't mean to make you cry" he sits up and cups my face.

"No. You were right I don't love her I-I" before I could say anything he kissed me. And I kissed back.


I woke up to the sun in my eyes I turn around to get away. Nate puts his arm around me and rubs my back. It felt nice so I smiled that smiled quickly went away when I ran to the bathroom. Nate followed after me holding me hair back as I threw up.

Nate told me to rest today. I did as I was told and stayed but I didn't rest. Why was I throwing up I don't feel sick? The rest of the day was boring nothing happened I stoped throwing up after awhile. But I didn't want to go outside of Nates room.

Jenny called me and said she was coming over after school. I asked Nate and he said it was ok. That was three hours ago. There was a knock on the door I got so excited Jenny always cheers me up. To my luck it was not Jenny at the door it was Chuck.

"What do you want?"

"Nate said you're sick"

"I'm not sick"

"Then what are you"

"Why do you care! Just go away" I slam the door in his face. Shortly after Jenny texted me and said she could not make it. Nate came home and made dinner.

A few weeks passed and I threw up like every morning. I still went to school and everything but I didn't feel sick so why am I throwing up? Nate said he would take me to a doctor and he did.

"You don't have to be here"

"I know" the door opens and my heart starts to pound. She looks at the clipboard in her hand and then at me.

"Your pregnant" she said.


"We supeted that you might be because of what you told us and test came back positive" I look at Nate who looked happy and shocked at the same time.

"Do you know how for along I am?" I ask her because what if it's chucks then I'm really fucked.

"About a month" so it's Nate's.

"Oh" that's all I could say was oh.

She started talking about if I wanted to keep it and I said I did. And then she talks about how I can't drink and stuff like that. The whole time I was just looking at Nate and what was going through his head. Does he realiz that it's his. She stopped talking and let me and Nate go home.

 Never Thought I'd Fall For Chuck BassWhere stories live. Discover now