First Sight

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was immediately transfixed on him. His eyes glowed a beautiful (C/E/C), and I felt as though I could see his soul in the swirling colors.

"Um.. are you okay?" I heard his voice say as if he was concerned. I realized I had been staring in his gorgeous eyes for too long so I forced myself to look at the floor. Oh, but I wanted to keep getting list in those eyes.

"Yes", I managed to mutter, "I just zoned out for a second, sorry."

"Oh no problem, I do that all the time" he smiled. Oh what a wonderful smile. "I'm (C/N) by the way"

"(Y/N)" I stuttered

He smiled again "I like that name, it's pretty, it suits you."

My heart skipped a beat.

Then the bell rang, and I knew that awful sound meant that we had to part ways. We said a simple goodbye and I turned to walk away, but I couldn't help but turn back to look at him. He was nothing like anyone I had ever seen. I had to get to know this person. Was this what I thought it was? Something I had never believed in before...

Love at first sight?

--------------------------------------------------------------Sorry my chapters are short, they'll be longer when I have more time, weekends and once school's out for summer. I hope its going well! Bye!

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