Piano Keys

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The boy walked out of the room he'd been kept in for nearly four months. He'd heard the nurses say that he was one of the last to wake up, but he wasn't sure from what. When he asked they stared at him as if he was crazy or like he knew some secret he wasn't supposed to know about.

He sighed... it looked like bad weather outside; the clouds hanging low towards the ground as the wind moved the branches on the trees. Of course it looked ready to rain on the day he was getting out of here. Of course it would.

He held his suitcase tightly in his left hand as he entered the elevator. The woman next to him, his mother's sister, pressed the button for the parking lot as she talked off his ear. She kept talking about her children and how much they'd missed the boy, occasionally changing the topic to tell him what happened while he was away.

He was ready to escape the metal box at the first stop, but his aunt grabbed his shoulder, "Honey, we have four more floors, this is only two below the one you were in."

He nodded taking a step back as a woman with curly black hair entered. She was clearly an older woman, a little grey hair visible with some wrinkles, I'd guess late 30s early 40s. She seemed upset and kept her eyes to the floor, "This is going to the parking lot... correct?"

"Yes, why?" His aunt lost her bubbly attitude as she spoke to the woman. She sounded so cold the boy questioned if her cheery disposition was nothing but an act.

"O-Oh that's the floor I want to be on... sorry..." she murmured. The tension in the elevator became tense until it reached its destination. No words were spoken, but that didn't help. It felt as if something would snap leaving the boy anxious. He, much like the lady, stared at the floor.

He closed his eyes hoping that would help.


"Shumai!" The boy could hear a childlike voice yell behind him. The boy wanted to turn around and see who it was but found he couldn't. He felt as if he should know whoever it was wanting his attention and didn't particularly care for them.

He suddenly felt arms wrap around him as the voice spoke again, this time more husky, "It's not nice to ignore people yknow."

Saihara wanted to say something back but found his words caught in his throat.

He slowly began turning his head, trying to get a glance of this person. He could see their hair on his shoulder, purple with dark black roots. He could almost see who this person was but-


"Shuichi Saihara!" His aunt shook him, clearly irritated.

"U-Um yeah... sorry... guess I was day dreaming..." he rubbed the back of his neck as she rolled her eyes dragging him towards the car.

"They said you'd be different..." she grumbled under her breath.

Different? Saihara questioned.

"Well what? Are you just gonna stand there? Get in you dummy!"

He nodded and got into the car, keeping his head down. It didn't take long for his aunt to begin bragging about her children yet again. He didn't pay much attention much more focused on that boy.

It was just a dream, so maybe he made him up?... but that didn't feel right. It felt as if this was a very important person, someone he should remember.

He lifted his head, seeing them drive threw the downtown. The sun was setting, bright neon signs of fast food and stores blurred into one another as the rain softly hit the car. He locked his eye on one of the rain drops as it slid down the window. Yet even this didn't stop the intrusive thoughts about the boy. It must've been his... his what? What was it that made his brain not want to leave this little mystery alone? Why was he demanding an answer?

The more he thought about the boy the sicker he felt. A couple times he swore he was about to puke. Something just felt so off about him. Uncanny, like a creepy old puppet. Maybe-

"We're here," the aunt said as she unlocked the car doors letting the boy out to stand awkwardly in the rain. "What? What are you waiting for? Go in!" The lady seemed irritated and impatient with him. What did she expect? Not only had he just been released from the hospital but he remembered nothing on top of it!

He made his way in slowly, the woman following behind after grabbing a bag of groceries from the trunk.

When he got in he just stood by the doorway, unsure of where to go. His aunt rolled her eyes, "first room upstairs on the left," she said as she moved passed him.

He headed up there, it wasn't like he had anywhere better to be afterall.

When he stepped into his room he found absolutely nothing in his room besides a bed and nightstand. He walked over to the closet, finding even that had no clothes.

What was this? Why was his room so bare? Had they gotten rid of everything while he was gone? Was this even where he used to live before the hospital? For some odd reason it felt as if he didn't belong.

He laid down on his bed, hardly tired but having nothing better to do.

A/N: welcome to my second dumpster fire
I finished this late at night but I've been working on this whole thing on and off for months...
So umm yeeeeaaaahhhhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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