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After dinner, Keith was given a room that happened to belong to the previous Red Lion holder, but of course, Keith didn't know that. Lance had already gone to bed, the meal filling him up completely. Allura told Keith where to go to get to his room, telling him he was welcome to stay in the common room if he wasn't tired. The emo male was tired though and decided it would be best to get some rest. On the way to his room, the Galran had bumped into Shiro on the way to his room, causing him to apologize with nervous sweat.
"It's fine! You are heading to bed?" Shiro said with a smile.
Keith nodded and ran his hand through the back of his hair. Shiro then returned the simple nod and began to walk off.
"See you in the morning!" The Paladin said as he headed off down the hallway.
Keith watched as he walked off, thinking about how he was the second to visit him in his cell. How did he go from a person with intel, to a person who is accepted? Was it because he gave all the information he could give? Was it because they wanted someone for ransom after all? Keith shook his head as he made his way to his new room, walking in the automatic door and taking a seat on the bed. He looked around the room, the walls bare and his sheets a very basic dark blue. The Galran sighed and laid down, putting his head on the one fluffy pillow he had on his bed, closing his eyes while trying to relax.
"Are they . . . just using me? Or . . . do they actually want me to work with them?" Keith spoke quietly against his pillow.
The Galran wondered, what would happen if he did work with them? Would he stay here? What about his family? Keith just growled and wiped his head clear, he isn't going to think of that now, he just needed sleep. So, with that, the Galran began to close his eyes and relax.
Meanwhile, the Cuban boy was not so lucky in his effort to get rest. He was tossing and turning, thinking about the Galran that was just two rooms down. Lance remembered whenever the team first met Keith, never had he thought the Galran would be willingly sleeping in one of the castle's rooms.
. . .
"Lance! Watch out, there is a drone on your left!" Shiro shouted from behind the Cuban boy who instantly reacted and shot the robot.
"You think maybe we should retreat while we have a chance!?" Lance whisper yelled as they continued walking.
Shiro sighed and shook his head,
"No . . . we have to end this. Zarkon has the Red Lion. Allura managed to finally track the ship that contains some of Zarkon's high command. So now, we track down one of them and have them tell us the location."
Lance stayed behind Shiro as he looked side to side quickly, his gun drawn in case of a fight.
"Yeah, and you think they are just going to tell us what we need!?" Lance exclaimed as he walked while crouching.
Suddenly, Shiro stopped in his tracks when he came up the end of the corridor. On the left, there were two soldiers, one male, and one female. Their helmets were off and from the look of their outfits, they were definitely high command soldiers. Shiro looked at Lance and signaled for him to cover him. Lance didn't even have time to realize what he meant before the muscular male ran forward and charged at the female enemy. While the male Galran's back was turned, Shiro easily knocked out the female which caused the Galran to turn around, staring at Shiro with hate as he became livid.
"Mom!" Shouted the Galran as he drew his blade, swinging it at Shiro with anger and force which caused him to fall back.
Lance saw the opportunity and while Shiro was dodging the attacks, Lance went in and shot at the Galran's blade. The Galran soldier growled at the Blue Paladin and was beginning to run after him. Keith was mere seconds away from attacking Lance but not before Shiro knocked him unconscious. Lance and Shiro looked at each other in relief, picking up the passed out soldier and quickly escaping from the ship and into their lions. Lance kept the soldier in his lion, tieing him up to make sure he didn't suddenly wake up and attack while trying to focus on getting back to the castle.
"So now what? We have a soldier, but he is unconscious! What are we gonna do, keep him as a prisoner?" Lance questioned as he drove his lion.
Shiro sighed and thought for a brief moment before answering Lance.
"Yes. We are going to keep him in the new cell unit Allura was working on. Though not meant for him, we can make it work."
Originally, Allura was trying to find every bit of strong tech she could find to make a strong holding cell for Zarkon. Though the idea seemed implausible, it actually started to become a reality. It may not be strong enough to hold Zarkon yet, but for a Galran soldier, it should be impossible to escape. Lance turned around to look at the captive Galran who suddenly woke up.
"We won't hurt you but we need to talk," Lance spoke as he flew his Lion towards the castle.
Keith snarled and struggled against his restraints, looking at Lance with a scornful look.
"Like I would believe you . . . ." Keith spoke with an angry voice.
"If you tell us what we want-- there should be no problem."
And with that, the Galran was captured by the Paladins and kept as their prisoner.
. . .
Lance turned around to get comfortable, sighing in frustration. Tomorrow, they would have to tell Keith about his destiny. Zarkon's forces are going to be looking for them and if they don't form Voltron and stop him . . . it'll all be too late. They have no idea when or where Zarkon will show, and at their current state they would lose. The Paladins need Keith if they want to stop Zarkon. The Cuban boy managed to temporarily get rid of the thought, just for tonight, and finally get some rest.

Galran PaladinWhere stories live. Discover now