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"Keith! You need to get out of here, now!" Lance yelled at the Galran who was seemingly in a trance. How was he going to get Lance out of this? Haggar chuckled as she heard Lance's pleads, the robot powering up as she waved her hand. "Me and Lotor will be entering the field. Keith is not needed." Haggar spoke as she teleported into the mechanical giant, a seat beside her for Lotor to join. "Haggar, you made this beast and didn't bother to tell me? I led this Paladin for nothing?"
Keith bit his lip in anger after he heard this, Lotor was really just using him? "I made this as a countermeasure and I'm glad I did. Keith isn't ready for this, he was too easily influenced by the Paladins." Haggar looked at Keith with a hateful glare. "I think it's best if we eliminate them, now."
Keith reacted quickly, firing another blast from his Lion at the ground to shake up the guards holding the Paladins back.
"Guys, come on!"
Once an opportunity was seen, the Paladins shook off their captors and flew with their jetpacks towards Keith's Lion. Haggar hissed and looked at Lotor, teleporting him onto the seat beside her and starting up the robot fully. "They will not stop us. They won't!" Haggar muttered in a frenzy, firing a blast from her robeast straight towards the undefended Paladins. Lance pushed with all he had but they weren't moving fast enough to dodge the blast. The three felt an air gust as the blast collided, but with the Black Lion. "Shiro!" Yelled the three simultaneously as they looked upon the Lion happily.
"Paladins, get to the Red Lion! Find the castle, they are holding it nearby!" Shiro ordered as he spoke through their helmets, firing a blast at the robeast. The team entered the Red Lion and Keith closed it up, speeding away from the battlefield to find the castle and their Lions.
"Where is Allura?" Asked Pidge as they all stood around Keith who was pushing the Lion past the battle area. Shiro grunted as he took several blasts from the robeast, trying his best to counter with blasts of his own but it was barely putting a scratch on the robeast, which began to fly upwards to meet with the black lion face to face.
"Allura is with me, she is fine! I need you guys to find Coran and the castle, he is around this planet! He told us he was in the area before he got ahold of you guys!" Shiro stated as the team went ahead.
Keith figured there was no way they would miss a huge castle floating around-- and they didn't. Yet standing in front of the castle were three advanced sentry ships. "Its Lotor's team. That's their ships." Keith stated as the Red Lion halted in front of the ships. Lance and the others saw that their lions were being loaded up into a cargo ship, while the three kept guard right in front. Keith growled under his breath, knowing how strong those ships were ... how would he be able to beat all three?
"Give up." Yelled Zedfrid as she opened the latch to her ship, an evil smile on her face. Keith gripped the controls of the lion, what was he going to do!? He never even fought in this thing, how was he going to take them down!? Suddenly, Keith felt a hand rest on his, looking up to see it was Lance. Lance smiled at Keith and gripped the Galran's hand tighter, "You can do this." He said with a smile which caused Keith to be overwhelmed. Lance has faith in him. He had to get the lions back so they could defeat Haggar and Lotor! Keith launched the lion forward and blasted a beam straight towards Zethrid, which she easily avoided and fired two blasts from her ship, the other two ships surrounding Keith. The Galran yelled and looped around the blast, firing one of his own that unleashed a lava-like beam. Zethrid's left side was hit but the ship was still going strong. Keith was blasted in the back from another ship and before he could react he was blasted by another. The team shook painfully as they were jarred around, feeling the heat from the blasts even through the lion. Keith accelerated his Lion backward to hit one of the fighters, only to be blasted from the side and launched a different way. Keith managed to only get one good hit in and nothing happened. What was he going to do?
"Guys, let's try what Shiro said!" Pidge suggested, causing the rest of the team to turn towards her.
"What? Summoning our Lions? Do you think that would work?" Lance asked which Pidge nodded to. "We can try! Everyone, focus. Our Lions are right in that ship. Really feel the bond."
All three of the Paladins shut their eyes and put all their thought into calling their lions, feeling the forged bond between them all. Yet, as they focused, the three attacking them didn't quit. Keith tried his best to dodge each attack but for every attack he dodged, he was hit with another. He needed backup. Keith then looked ahead to see three lions bursting from the ship ahead, attacking on command at the three sentry ships. The team rejoiced as their plan succeeded. Keith opened up his lion to let out the three Paladins, all three were quickly picked up by their respective lions. Now, all three Paladins charged forward to attack the sentries, beginning to overpower the ships. The three sentries pulled back, firing off a coordinated blast. The lions lined up together and fired off their own. Keith felt his blood boil as he put all he had into it, feeling the energy he and his lion shared. The team let out a group yell as their blast overpowered the other, blasting the three ships in different areas. The team panted since their group effort was very exhausting. Keith sighed and waved his hands around, trying to cool them down. The team looked ahead at the powered down castle, moving in and entering the Altean craft. They saw that everything was trashed, luckily the crystal was still in place. Coran was groaning as he rubbed his head, standing up and looking at the four Paladins.
"You guys are okay! Thank the ancients." He mumbled as he started up the castle, tapping his fingers along the electronic commands. Keith looked around and sighed, staring back at his fellow Paladins. "I feel like this is all my fault. You guys risked so much to save Lance after I put him in danger... and now to stop Lotor because I chose to go with him...."
Lance chuckled and pulled Keith into a hug, humming softly against the taller male. "Hey. We also came to save you. That was our initial plan!" Pidge shook her head and awkwardly laughed, "Eh, Lance that isn't going to help him feel better about not blaming himself."
Lance facepalmed but Keith just laughed, a bright smile on his face. "No no, it's sweet. Thank you guys... for really accepting me." Keith smiled at his new friends as they smiled back at him. Coran stepped over and looked Keith up and down, "I think it's time for his Red Paladin gear, don't you think?" Keith smiled and the rest of the team quickly went with Keith to get his suit. Keith saw the Bayard and the suit still encased in glass, opening it up to grab his outfit and weapon.
"The changing room is there," Pidge said and pointed to the door to the right. "Keith, make sure you hurry. We got to help Shiro." Pidge reminded which made Keith run into the room. Lance couldn't help but think about Keith, blushing red like a tomato. He was too dirty sometimes. After the Galran had gotten dressed, Lance looked at him up and down. "Nice look on you," Lance said with a wink that caused Keith to blush and grab the bayard. "Come on, lover-boy." He said as he put on his helmet, heading out with the team. Coran was working on getting the castle back on to assist with the mission, while the Paladins went back to their lions. Keith felt like everything was connecting, let he was meant for this-- maybe this was his destiny? As the team went back to the battle sight, the Robeast looked perfectly fine, while the Black Lion was barely staying upward. Keith heard Shiro speak through their helmets, alarming him for a moment. "Paladins... welcome back...." The leader spoke with an exhausted breath, his words barely making sense. The Robeast began to charge at the four lions, which got all of them on edge.
"Wait... Voltron! Guys, we can try to form Voltron!" Pidge exclaimed, realizing that all the lions were now present, but Allura spoke up in response. "Forming Voltron isn't simple. You would need to really feel your bond, let the lions guide and take control of a united force. It is difficult."
The robeast charged right at Keith, which he dodged and tried to shoot a few blasts in retaliation but failed, his lion soon being rammed into by the robeast. Lance growled and fired directly at the robeast, causing it to change it's focus from Keith to Lance. Pidge had her lion fire a shot and then Hunk fired a shot from his lion, all Paladins were keeping this up until Haggar let out a yell, her dark magic swirling around the team and causing their lions to shut down. Lance fumbled with the controls but everything was dead. Haggar sighed and laughed wickedly at the defeated Paladins. "Fools! We will see to it that your Earth is the first planet to be cleansed!" She shouted, launching the Robeast with Lotor as the sped away. Shiro hit the controls on his lion, his anger boiling before Allura sighed and rested her hand on his shoulder. "We all need to relax. Honerva wants to defeat us but the bond you have with your lions is far greater than dark magic. You can defeat this."
Lance took a breath and his team followed, their eyes closed as their grips tightened around their controls. They all felt a simultaneous pull as their minds and spirits poured into their respective lions. An overwhelming energy surge was felt as each lion powered back up. Lance felt like he could see Keith and the others like they were all in one huge collective body. Lance looked around him, his view of space different than before. Allura smiled and looked at Shiro happily. "You Paladins have finally formed the legendary warrior, Voltron."
Keith looked around him in confusion, not knowing how they had formed a huge robot so quickly-- it felt like hours passed but it also felt like seconds. The team was frozen for a minute before trying to move, which only caused them to fumble.
"Watch it, Lance!" Keith shouted.
"Well, your big arm was in the way!" Lance retorted
"I'm a leg, wow." Hunk said flabbergasted.
Shiro growled and sternly spoke up, "Team, we have to focus. Remember how it felt earlier? Like we were all in the same body? We have to recapture that feeling."
They all calmed down and refocused, their eyes closed as they subconsciously began to move the controls, flying forward in sync. They remained silent, their movement slow yet controlled. Shiro eventually spoke up and glanced over at Allura. "Do we know where the portal will be opening?"
Allura sighed, "Daibazaal. The planet that started it all; Zarkon's homeworld. It was destroyed after Honerva experimented with the Quintessence Field. A group of creatures emerged and my father had no choice but to destroy the planet." She bit her lip and turned her head. "By then, Zarkon had offered himself and Honerva to the Field, to save her life after she had driven herself to be ill. They were believed to be dead but the Quintessence changed them, mutated them-- the rest well... Ended with the death of my father, which Zarkon did out of vengeance for destroying his home."
The team stayed quiet, their focus still on moving yet they had listened to everything that was said. The castle was suddenly following behind them which caused them to turn.
"Daibazaal is locked on the map, let's go," Coran ordered
Shiro smiled, "Glad to have you back."
. . .
Voltron arrived finally at the ruined and dusty planet, what remained of it anyway. However, the team was horrified to see a sliver in the middle, the space in the middle was glowing and radiating raw Quintessence.
The Robeast turned and Honerva laughed, "You're too late."
Two months later :,) sorry guys. Thanks for the reads and votes💜💜💜

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