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Fight for your fairytale

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Fight for your fairytale.

That's the only motto I lived my life with but at this point, I don't think I can continue to raise this in my upcoming episodes of Fairytale.

Rolling and shoving past my colleagues, I sat across the cafeteria; after ordering a coffee latté. My eyes darted towards the very end of the arena. Behind the shield of large glass doors that connected the outsiders of the lane to visit the cafeteria except for the ones who come to the huge building of the Shaikh Constructions.

The compound was under construction, they were building a watchman tent. It a pretty huge than expected. This huge building and the goodwill it carried belonged to Saad Bhai, my twin's husband and my maternal cousin; my mother's brother's son.

The pupils of my eyes travelled towards the sound I heard, probably whistles from the unknown. But the moment I had gazed at the three folks who sat across me, they had anticipated my gaze and were staring down at their mobiles as if they had not whistled. My power of recognising was great and higher in level compared to my colleagues.

Their hairstyle was similar, to the ones who stood on the sides of the road making videos or teasing the girls with chains that hung down their necks and small earring on one of their ears. All in all, now I had an idea who whistled but I chose to remain quiet as I didn't want to make an issue in the middle of the day when the heat of the sun is pushing through the thick glasses of the place.


I snapped towards the source. The only person in the world who called me but the name ‘Zee’, is my twin Zahiraah. She and I are the replica of each other. We have nothing in difference in our appearance except the mole I had on my chin but our personalities were wholly unique. I was calm, introverted and kind. Whereas she was spontaneous, an extroverted spirit and straightforward. I remember what our friends call us.

She is the Rebel and I am the Angel. I doubt how many days I'd stay that way.

"You hadn't left yet?" I questioned thrilled at her presence in the office. She and I graduated as architects together. Surprisingly, we were never aware of the fact that our cousin was an architect too but while our internship, I heard about his construction building the finest buildings in the city and Saad Bhai acquiring the magazine in his fist.

"I was about to but saw you going towards the cafeteria. Thought to have an iced latte before heading out because the weather is ardent outside."

I chuckled. She sat across from me after signalling an order towards the waiter who took the orders. "Chennai's weather never cools down. What can we expect?"

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