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Our arguments were not so heated

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Our arguments were not so heated.

Sameer and I understood each other well but it was a tragedy today that we were having an argument with such intensity. We always have had arguments but at the end we knew who was right. I guess the time when either of us wins, we would understand the objective.

"Stop all of this, Ahad. You can't get married to a girl who will, for sure will have expectations in this marriage..." His pause was dangerous, I knew he would go to any extent to make me understand the values, the principles, the virtues but I barely cared. "Just think about Jannat, what if someone gets married to her and will never give her the love that she'll crave."

"I will never get her married to someone like that," I responded. Ibrahim uncle was pressurized by his mother to force Zairaah to this marriage. I knew everything.

"Stop fantasizing! Destiny doesn't dance according to your decisions."

I know. That's why I am stuck here in the middle of a beautiful melodic dance.

"Ibrahim uncle could have stopped this lunacy," I gritted my teeth, ardently, glaring at him. He had no reaction, Sameer was still but I was speaking the truth as well. Ibrahim uncle had the power, he has a lot of power but when I saw him with his mother, the very last day in India after the engagement ceremony and he was a mice caught by the cat. "If you couldn't, how will he?"

His response were few but the one's he threw were a tight slap yet I wasn't going to stop either.

"Tell me why would he get her married to someone like me? A person with a broken heart, a toddler and someone who'd never give his daughter the amount of attention she seems for."

He seemed taken aback. Off course, what type of father would want such a drastic life for his daughter? And that too, Zairaah was born like a princess between those huge white walls.

"You are forgetting something. You are a multi millionaire, Ahad. Ibrahim uncle wouldn't want to lose someone so easily."

"Even if someone owns the whole world, I would never marry Jannat off to someone as his second."

"Stop this bullshit, Ahad! Stop highlighting the point that she is your second wife. You and Parishay knew each other since college. You guys liked each other, got married to each other and had Jannat. Losing Parishay was the only thing which broke you. You are not completely broken, Jannat kept you subtle and stable. You were never in a relationship other than this, that's why it's pricking you..."

He drew in a long breathe, gazing here and there towards the windows which were dark. The inky black sky outside was beautiful and here we were. He continued making my heart shudder a little,

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