06. Night | رات

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Night changes the deepest illusions

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Night changes the deepest illusions.

It creates chaos, gives a solution and still makes sure you stand there. It makes you baffled at the same time, it makes you feel peaceful. Whispering all the sweet words which would calm your soul.

I was thankful. Nights always made me feel blessed and comfortable. The terrace was empty when I stepped inside. A lot of our guests had already left to their respective places after the dinner but there were still a lot of them. I pinched my nose when the cool wind passed through me. At one point, it was too cool but the serene didn't left me to go anywhere.

I didn't even had a shawl around my shoulder. I had braided my hair loosely and draped a stole around my shoulders. I touched the soiled railing of the terrace, it was cold due to the night wind.


He reminded me of a king with an empty throne beside him. His daughter was his everything. As I had deeply analysed him today, all he cared about in this whole world was Jannat. She was either with him, Roshan or me. This scared me because I didn't wanted to give hope to Farheen aunty because I didn't knew if I'd agree or not.

I looked at my left, I could see him here, standing next to me which was never possible. It was an illusion. I knew I was imagining him in front of me. I sighed holes in eyes whereas he stared back at me.

Nothing between is. Just eyes fighting to get answers in them, hearts restless in anticipation of something and minds playing the games of their own.

"I am sorry if I disturbed you," I snapped back to reality. His voice deep, husky and a hint of kindness in them. My eyebrows knitted into bafflement. But as I gulped the truth in front of me, realisation hit me hard.

It was him. It was Ahad actually standing beside.

"It's nearly twelve and you in the terrace will make sure to create chaos in people's mind. So I suggest we should depart from here Ahad."

I turned around to walk out but his words stopped me. Capturing me in the trial of silence for a seconds. "I want to talk to you..." And when I peeped at his eyes, he said, "-alone."

Shoulders tensed and my heart beat faster. He was a tangled truth in front of me. We had nothing in between yet soo much. He wanted to heal but I was too fragile to heal someone so broken. I knew the edge of my capability which had no comparison with his large arena of pain.

"There is nothing to talk about alone, Ahad."

He shook his head. "Your Dadi Ammi and Nani Ammi know. I asked just now."

With principles and cultural belief, I wonder how they let him. A huge pause before he had began again. A heavy and thick silence between us coated with nothing but awkwardness of infinity.

"I am aware that you know about it."


I was quick. I didn't wanted to drag any thing nor did I wanted to spend a minute but my heart didn't agreed to what my mind judged. It beat comfortably around him. We weren't meant to be. This wasn't meant to be.

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