Chapter Three.

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It was 7pm, I'd spent the last 2 hours doing my hair and getting dressed. I'd never really realised how much effort getting into a wedding dress was. Making sure that everything was perfect and that nothing was showing was challenging but the end result was perfect.

I was walking out onto the beach, as the sun was setting over the water. There was a figure standing straight ahead of me, another figure standing in the tree line holding something and the figure of the man I was about to marry. The man that was going to be mine and I his.

We met and the first thing he did was take a deep shaky breath. I'd never seem him so nervous but relaxed at the same time. He was dressed in a casual suit with a plain white dress shirt and bare feet.

The celebrant started, asking us our vows. We had decided to make our own seeing as though we had already decided to get married yesterday and hadn't told either our parents yet.

"Do you Alexander Albon, take thee Amy Roswell, for better or for worse, for bad jokes and good, for toilet seat up or down, for good Netflix suggestions or bad, to be your lovely wedded wife?"
"I do" Alex said looking straight into my eyes.

"Do you Amy Roswell, take thee Alexander Albon, for better or for worse, for good race or bad, for laughing or crying, for being at home or travelling, to be your wedded husband?"
"I do" I said looking straight into Alex's eyes.

"With that I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the celebrant finished. Alex didn't even need to be told he grabbed my face and planted the biggest, lovingest kiss on my lips.

We left the celebrant and went for a walk. Not caring that it was almost pitch black now. We are happy and content, it was just us.

"What are we going to tell our parents?" I asked him, "I dunno Mrs Albon and frankly I don't care, I just want you right now and we can think about everything else later."

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