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"What's taking you so long N'Gulf-," Pree was not able to finish her sentence because she already saw Gulf's manager.

"Come on! Gulf! Hurry up and move already. You still need to be presentable," K'Bermb already urged Gulf to move.

Gulf was horrified. He'd never been in stuck in a dilemma like this before. If he chooses his idol, he might lose the job that he wanted for a long time now. If he chooses his job, there might not be opportunities like this that his team will organize their fan meet. A cold sweat formed on his forehead, he tried to wipe them out but he can't help but feel his hands are now clammy. He knows that he has to choose between the two but who says he can't choose both?

"K'Bermb, can we leave thirty minutes after three?" N'Gulf tried to bargain with his manager. Although he knows that it his highly impossible, it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

"What are you even thinking Gulf? This is the job that you've been waiting for and yet, you're going to give it up? I never trained you to be like this," K'Bermb frowned and did not hide his disappointment.

"I'm sorry K'Bermb. I'd just finish what I am doing and then we can leave for work," Gulf felt like crying but he knows that he has to go to his job.

Pree went inside the preparation room without even hiding her frustration, he directed her anger to the plastic cups on top of the table and threw it at the side, good thing that they were perfectly sealed so the cups were not damaged. Gulf followed her and saw the fuss she's making. He attempts to talk to her but she gave him a cold shoulder before he can explain his side.

"Gulf, just go, okay? I don't need any of your explanations. I have already been thinking about this for weeks now and I have anticipated that you will probably let me down in the end," Pree stared at Gulf coldly and he felt those words sting.

It felt like someone was performing an acupuncture in his body but that person has no training so instead of feeling relieved, he ends up feeling miserable. Anger surged through him and as he tried to find the right words that he needed to say, Pree dropped another bomb.

"What are you waiting for? Go now! Your job is more important, right? We can manage without you. I always knew that you're going to-." Pree was not able to finish her sentence because Gulf had enough of all of this.

"Did you honestly think that way, P'? Have it occurred to you that maybe I am trying my best as well? Did you ever think that maybe I tried to help everyone this time because I also wanted to change myself and not just hide in the shadows? Did you ever believe that I can do it or were you just thinking that I will just disappoint you so didn't actually vouch for me?" Gulf shared his frustrations with his senior. Mild tried to calm them down but Mild's effort were in vain.

"Cat's got your tongue, P'Pree? I'm sorry if I was a major disappointment to the two of you. You should feel happy already now that I realized that I should know my place. Don't worry as soon as I finish this job, I'd go back and help clean up what you used. And Ai'Mild, please give my gifts to P'Mew. Thank you. Now, I have to go back and do my important job," Gulf stressed the word important to show his contempt to his senior.

"Ai'Gulf. P'Pree, don't be like this. We're supposed to help each other out, right? You should not fight each other," Mild tried to calm the two of his friends but his efforts were futile.

"I have to go. Thanks, Ai'Mild. And please tell P'Pree that I would like to apologize for being such a disappointment to her," Gulf muttered as he walked out of the room.

"P'Pree, you shouldn't have said that to him. I know that you didn't mean it," Mild patted Pree's back to stop her from crying.

"I know N'Mild. I'm j-just k-kind of frustrated that he... he lost his chance to interact with his favorite actor. W-we b-both k-know t-that the main reason why we pushed this event is for him to be able to interact with him," Pree replies as she tries to wipe the tears from her eyes.

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