1 Let the Row Begin

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The usual rambles of the Hogwarts students could be heard in the air, joyful and overlaying each other's voices as they ate their breakfast, the morning sun hot and welcoming, some owls flying around the hall to deliver their owners' mails. Almost everyone was in a good mood after waking up, rubbing unwanted gounds off their eyes and calling it a good morning. Not until they witness Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Had-Gone-Mad-This-Morning, fuming on his seat, froth of anger bubbling on top of his nook.

Everyone actually liked greeting Harry, he had always been quick to respond to different requests, needs and other problems he would be willing to meddle in no matter how bizarre or foolish that is. Although not this time. He was barely approachable today, as if his looks alone could zap someone and leave fire.

As for Ron, the one who had always been Harry Potter's trusty companion, had his eyebrows furrowed, staring at his best friend who was frowning since they've woken up. To his frustration, Hermione wasn't in the hall with him to check up on Harry together, as she had given her morning time for studying for her extra classes such as Muggle Studies and Arithmancy. His main concern here was that Harry hadn't eaten a single edible thing since dinner last night, ignoring all of his favorite delicacies after a long day of being buried under schoolworks and showing no indications of hunger, which was bothersome. Ron pressed his palm on his face, wanting to scold his best friend who wasn't himself, for days he couldn't count that Harry was barely nibbing on biscuits and sipping on water in Quidditch practices. He was easier to explode as well, too sulky and preferred his alone time for interminably long after classes.

"Could you please eat?" Ron urged, nudging Harry lightly who was paying no attention to him and his surroundings. He pushed Harry's bowl and poked him one last time, hoping for his attention.

Ron, still curious and confused, slowly panned his eyes where Harry could possibly be giving his eyes. He wasn't certain, but Harry's gaze was sharp and murderous despite the cover of his rimmed glasses. The stare directly landed far beyond the two long tables of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff that separated them from the -

He narrowed his eyes, realizing Harry was staring at a specific person at the Slytherin table, that someone eating breakfast with peers, possibly knowing that Harry was glaring their way but had chosen to ignore it, unfazed or couldn't care less of it because Gryffindors are unfortunately on the top of their most-ignored list. Ron shook his head, not in the mood for another game of Harry Losing his Chill and Ron Failing to Control Harry's Temper. He had been doing the game all his life and at this point, he knew what he'd say, what to do, and how to control it.

"Malfoy again?" Ron said. He spoke these exact same words hundreds of times since their first-year. "Could you please eat, mate? The oat and raisins were quite well-done. I asked Winky herself to add more sugar to your portion since you liked it too sweet. Go on."

A few moments later, Draco stood up from his seat, and that must be the sign of the start of Hermione and Draco's morning rounds as prefects. Harry seemed to have finally noticed him due to Malfoy's absence, brought his look down to his feet and smiled appreciatively.

If Ron would be honest, this must be one of the effects of Harry's depression. Losing his Godfather Sirius hadn't been easy for his mental being and the knowledge of simply having to die before having the chance to win against Voldemort, the mad lad who had a killing spree when Harry could barely walk, is tormenting Harry to bits even though he hadn't told him or Hermione about it too much. Emotional support was all he could bring to his best friend, to express his brotherly-love as much as he could.

Not wanting to make the atmosphere awkward, Ron spoke again, softly this time in the hopes of shaking some of Harry's senses. "By all means tell what Malfoy did this time so I could at least listen to your rants and not make Hermione mad at you for fighting with Malfoy again."

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