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Harry Potter decided he wouldn't do it.

Another week had passed and the flurry of rumors about Harry and Malfoy hushed down completely due to boredom, thankfully - and half of the school no longer believed and listened to it anyway because the students who wanted to catch Harry and Draco in the act had failed to find one of those assumed evidence needed to lead to a cogent title-tattle. Students of all years had been occupied, noses on their thick books and hands numb from writing summaries of their lessons for an easy retention.

Harry, whose eyebags are getting darker by the day, was devastated to be one of the hundreds who needed to do these preparations, and in addition to his stress of homeworks and abusive potions master who couldn't stop taking points off him for unknown yet obviously irrational reasons, Draco Malfoy became extra difficult for Harry to catch like a fly and talk to. Malfoy was absurdly five times more avoidant, and ten times more aggressive when it came to getting rid of Harry as soon as he showed signs of wanting to talk to the Slytherin - and it was always the Caterwauling Charm Malfoy did that shut Harry's mouth. Harry did manage to avoid one of them last Wednesday after their Charms class, but Malfoy had Disillusioned himself before Harry had the chance to say "Hey, Malfoy!"

Double Potions had taken place, and it was the last of it before they proceeded to take Snape's practical test before the term ended. Harry had always admitted his hatred for this class more than what he had for Argus Filch and his cat, but this time, it seemed that his destiny was meant to crumble apart when Snape announced: "Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy at the left farthest corner. Now - no, no buts Mr. Potter. You may start with your antidote to Garish Pink Blended Poison," then was forced to suppress the smirk that tempted to reveal from the professor's crumpled face.

It was bound to fail, Harry knew. Malfoy had always been favored in his classes, and Snape would have all the more reasons to take points off Gryffindor if Malfoy would suddenly get an idea of sabotaging their antidote where Harry would most likely take all the blame without getting to hear his side, judging the unfairness the potions master reserved for him.

Harry did not talk nor look at Malfoy anymore since it was pointless to complain - especially Gryffindors, to the likes of Severus Snape, the anti-Gryffindor. Harry, disappointed but had more unfortunate situations in his life to be surprised by this, did the honor of casting a low-burning fire on the table and putting the pewter cauldron on top of the heat. Malfoy was doing the same, working and ignoring Harry. Malfoy grabbed the phial of what seems to be a poison off their working table and sniffed it, faintly chanting that identified and separated the ingredients of the poison after. Harry knew it was Scarpin's Revelaspell that did the job, and he knew he wouldn't be able to do it in Malfoy's level even if it hurts for his pride to admit. The blond was advanced.

"Put the separated ingredients of this poison into ten different phials," said Malfoy without looking at his partner. It was probably the first sentence Malfoy had said to Harry in two weeks aside from the cusses he throws at Harry on a daily basis. Harry obeyed his order, leaving the mixing-and-checking-the-cauldron duty to the Slytherin who was observably adept with doing his job, barely checking their brewing instructions off the book waded between the table which Harry couldn't deprive himself to do. Harry stared with faint awe, but he didn't make it obvious. He didn't want Malfoy to have a theory that Harry adores him. That thought alone was disconcerting.

"Potter, are you finished with putting it in the phials?" asked Draco as he panned his eyes at Harry's working space. He was doing fine, thanks, but not fast like lighting.

"Almost." Harry's eyes narrowed, hand slightly burning at the direct touch of the orange powder he was shoving in the phial with hasty fingers. He hurried up, sliding his eighth phial towards the other finished ones in the hopes of not embarrassing himself in front of Malfoy.

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