5 A Week of an Unfortunate Circumstance

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Peace was not an option for Harry Potter the following week.

"Why must this happen!" wailed Hermione in the Great Hall that caused Harry and Ron to keep their heads down, because anytime soon, she'd be a ballooned bullfrog with a red face. They were being scolded, the both of them - Harry for not telling he was going to have detention with Malfoy by Professor McGonagall (then ended up, quite literally, stuck in a detention with Malfoy for a whole night) and Ron for not noticing Harry gone in their dormitory.

"Everything I'm reminding you for! All gone to waste! Thirty whole points - one night I've been gone beside you, Harry! Professor Mcgonagall even saw!" wailed Hermione continuously and she was barely recognizable anymore. The Gryffindors in their table seemed to be keen to scoot away from her spot except for Harry and Ron.

Harry did think she had the right to be mad. He was mad at himself too for exceeding his temper that led to him and Malfoy having a fist fight. If only he restrained his mouth and not asked Malfoy all those things he'd asked out of curiosity and impulse...

He stared at his food, stunned still. He remembered waking up first from Malfoy, who had his arms and legs entangled with Harry on the cold wooden floor they've just cleaned the day before. Draco was curled on his side the moment he opened his eyes with a numb upper body, and a leg hooked over Harry's waist like he was a favorable pillow. Harry, outright disgusted and shocked, had shoved Malfoy all to the other side of the room for it without the unconscious blond having to wake up. Thankfully, they were rescued by a kitchen elf who heard him bang the door at six in the morning ("Oh, Filchey is surprised there are students here!"). They left together (Harry had to pinch Malfoy on the nose to wake him up), not in the mood to look at each other, unsuspected - but then some students on the way to the Hall saw them left McGonagall's office together that unfortunate six o'clock, with disarrayed hair and crumpled clothes that had probably made the students arrive at a conclusion they'd been -


Harry jolted and spilled some of his choco milk at Ron's chest beside him who reenacted what Harry did to Seamus, but with pumpkin juice. Some Ravenclaws who passed by their table chuckled from Hermione's outburst and left comments as they went such as, "Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have a blooming love-hate relationship. They're snogging in secret! They were found this morning in McGonagall's office. Talk about HOT stuff!" "You mean they're secret lovers? But I like Harry!" "Well, sorry he might actually be closeted, even if I do like Draco." "Rivals as lovers? That's ridiculous, Eva! Harry Potter is better than that!"

Harry's ears turned horribly red after he heard that and shoved mashed potatoes in his mouth without breathing. That was the most disgusting thing he heard since the spreading of rumors he and Dumbledore were fucking in secret so that he could win the whole Gryffindor the House Cup every year - and Malfoy being behind all of the damn rumor that led them both to detention with Mcgonagall for disrespecting Dumbledore.

Everyone was still talking about him and Malfoy that Professor Sprout called and talked to him alone after class about safe sex between two underage wizards because she said she kept hearing the same topic from the students. Harry, who was too polite to decline the concerned old professor's brief discussion, just hoped the ground would soon open to swallow him on the spot because he cannot take the embarrassment anymore.

Then Draco Malfoy, the man who was involved in the Gossip of the Century, had been noticeably avoiding Harry since their unfortunate situation. It was great Malfoy no longer smirked and taunted Harry like he used to, but it would've been greater for Harry's peace of mind if Malfoy did it in other circumstances - not the embarrassing one they're in now where they would be too aware of close proximity and think of other things instead of their normal, "I will Hex you to death, Potter!" "You too, Malfoy!" interaction, because now, Malfoy wouldn't meet Harry in the eye, and was quick to vanish from the scene to avoid the hoots they kept getting once spotted in a same room wherever in Hogwarts. Unfortunately, in some classes, they were paired up and needed to deal with each other, especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

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