8 Christmas Break

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"Alas! A time to breathe and spend time with family."

Harry smiled at the little dance Ron made in front of their Common Room's fireplace, all dressed up to go to Hogwarts Express, his luggage ready and Pigwidgeon, his small owl, was leaping along with Ron in his cage, probably excited to play with Errol. Harry could share Ron's joy because finally, their first term was finished, including their examinations and other practical ones that induced stress for days. Hermione was practically jumping on her seat as well, probably overjoyed about the fact she would be spending her two-week break in the Burrow with the Weasleys. It was a lot more of a big deal for her since it was a personal invite from Mrs. Weasley.

Harry was happy for his two best friends' relationship development. The two of them are meant for each other, something Harry hadn't felt for Cho when he was in love with her. Could Luna make him feel such way? Heart all giddy and jumpy if he and Luna were given a chance to be together?

Despite the content Harry feel for his best friends and his silly imagination, however, he was also feeling nervous as a codfish about to be hooked. He blatantly asked Draco Malfoy to try to spend time with him for Christmas, which assured him ninety-nine percent won't happen but his arse risked it and tried. Malfoy said he would consider - was already considering for the whole month of November and Harry was in high spirits since the chance was still there.

A few hours later, Harry accompanied his best friends to Hogwarts Express eight in the morning, thanking Merlin he hadn't found Draco around the express because that would've meant Malfoy not staying at Hogwarts. Though Harry did spot Parkinson and Zabini hand in hand towards the express, followed by Bulstrode and some Ravenclaw Harry barely knew.

Pansy, eyes roaming around the bustling area, eventually spotted Potter rooted to where he was standing ten feet away from her and stared tentatively. Eventually she smiled at him to Harry's surprise, waving her hands and turning to whisper something to Zabini's ear (probably asking permission to go to Harry) before she dashed towards him.

"Happy Christmas, Harry," she greeted, eyes crinkling from the smile hidden behind her thick emerald green scarf wrapped around her neck.

Harry mirrored her smile and shook the girl's hand timidly. "To you too - er, Pansy," he said, not accustomed to calling the girl by her first name yet.

"You seem looking for someone," the girl said. "Cheer up, you. Draco's not packed yet."

Harry frowned, not sure what to react after the mention of yet which probably meant Malfoy had plans going home a hundred percent. This also meant Malfoy had told Parkinson that Harry Potter invited him to stay at Hogwarts for their break like a dolt. Harry could vividly imagine Draco and Pansy talking about it: Draco wearing his deadpanned face and Pansy squerming for his sake, because she probably thought he and Malfoy now would reconcile and be best of friends.

"I'll go ahead inside, Parkin - Pansy. See you lot in January."

They said their farewells and Harry walked back to the castle with a shoulder probably heavier than the fir Hagrid chopped off the forest this morning. He might as well help Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick decorate the Hall and spend some time with Hagrid at his hut while Fang's head rested on his lap. He might also nibble on Hagrid's cake with the baking base of an almost-stone substance. Then later he could sneak about to the kitchen and help himself with three puddings and unlimited treacle tarts.

Forgetting his miniscule amount of disappointment over his expectations of Draco bloody Malfoy, he walked straight to the Hall. The place still had surprisingly decent amount of students, not full but remarkably more than expected, knowing the danger the students may experience under the induced fear that Voldemort and his Death Eaters brought to the whole Wizarding World. He might miss Ron and Hermione during his break but won't dwell on it. He would, as always, manage to find some happiness around the castle, break a dozen school rules (under his dad's cloak) and do good deeds after like the old times.

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