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Patton had managed to coax Deceit out from under the bed, so now the Naga was coiled up on top of the bed. The fawn was sat next to him, smoothing down Deceit's hair to calm him down.

"Do you wanna go see the others? Let them know you're okay?" Patton asked.

Deceit shifted into a tighter ball, "I-I don't know..."

"The little yellow dog followed us back." Patton said.

"Dolos!?" Deceit shot up.

Patton giggled, "He's outside playing with Roman's puppy."

Deceit shrunk back a little, "I-If Dolos is there I'll-I'll see everyone."

Patton smiled brightly, "Okay! Come on!"

Patton lept off the bed and gently pulled Deceit off as well. The fawn lead the Naga down the hall, but just as they were about to enter the living room, Deceit stopped.

"I-I can't do this." He balked, "the Garuda will try to kill me and so will the human."

"No they won't, we've talked it over and they promised not to hurt you." Patton told him.

Deceit nodded and held on to the hoodie wrapped around the fawns shoulders. Patton gave him a comforting smile and lead him out to the backyard, where the others were waiting.

"Patton!" Roman cheered, "a-and Deceit?"

Deceit glared at the human over Patton's shoulder.

"Good, the snake is awake. Now he can leave." Virgil snipped, making a leave gesture.

Deceit hissed at the Garuda, showing his fangs. Virgil threw up his wings and screeched back.

"Now kiddos, there's no need to fight." Patton said, standing between the two.

"He stabbed me!" Roman cried.

"He bit me!" Virgil exclaimed.

Logan sighed from the pool, "and he did try to kill me."

"Okay, but everyone makes mistakes." Patton said, "he was trying to protect the forest."

"From what?!" Roman yelled.

"From stupid idiotic humans!" Deceit hissed back.

Roman made an offended noise, "excuse you!"

Once again, Patton stepped in, "listen! We'll disguise Deceit as a human, get him a job and a house, then he'll be gone from our lives forever!"

"Patton is right." Logan said, "so stop bickering."

"Fine." Roman scoffed.

Virgil glared at Deceit before going inside, "Whatever. The sooner he's gone, the better. I'm going to my room."

Roman sighed, "I'll go check on him."

Logan slipped back into the water, settling at the bottom of the pool.

"Um, Patton? Where's Dolos?" Deceit asked quietly.

Patton sighed and pointed to some fences, "He's over in the kennel."

Deceit nodded and slithered over, his face brightening when the little yellow dog ran up.

Patton sighed again. This was going to be difficult.

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