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T.W.: lots of pain and screaming

Virgil flapped his wings as hard as he could through the pain. The fact that is was storming didn't help either. He felt like he'd been flying all around the globe, when in reality he'd probably only flown a few miles.

The Garuda grit his teeth as a particularly painful gust of wind pushed him back. He needed to land, sooner rather than later.

Virgil spotted a cave in a cliff face. It was close to the water, but it would work for a few minutes. He swooped down and landed on the cold stone floor. It made him realise just how warm Patton's house had been, and just how cold and soaked he was.

Virgil shivered, wincing at the bullet wound in his wing. But nothing made his blood run colder than hearing a slippery voice from the darkness.

"Hello Peregrine."

Virgil glared into the darkness, "Deceit."

"Such a warm welcome Virgil." Deceit slithered out into the light.

"I will kill you." Virgil growled.

"But why?" Deceit asked, "surely you know that the war ended."

Virgil glared at the Naga, "Even if that were true, you threatened my friend and killed a human."

"You mean the fawn?" Deceit said, "I didn't know he was your friend. Considering that you only met yesterday."

Virgil grit his teeth, "he saved me so I'm taking out a threat."

Deceit looked at Virgil out of the corner of his eye, "are you sure it's not for another reason? I mean, that human looked pretty upset-"

"Don't bring Roman into this!" Virgil shouted.

"Temper, temper." Deceit tutted.

Virgil growled, "what do you want. Do you want to kill me or something?"

"No." Deceit said, "why would I want to kill the last remaining Peregrine? A family that's been hunting Naga for thousands of years? That wouldn't be any fun."

"L-last remaining..." Virgil's eyes went wide.

"Oh didn't I tell you?" Deceit said, "you're the last of your family."

"No... no you're lying!" Virgil yelled, "they can't be..."

"It's only fair." Deceit slithered up to Virgil, tilting his chin up, "the Peregrine's took all my family away."

The Garuda pushed the Naga away, "so what now? Are you gonna kill me too?"

"Oh no, I already told you there's no fun in that." Deceit chuckled, "I'm going to make you suffer!"

The Naga lunged forward and bit the Garuda where his wing met his back. Virgil screamed, falling to the ground.

"IT BURNS." He shrieked, flailing on the ground.

"Don't worry little Peregrine, it wasn't enough of my venom to kill you." Deceit said, running his hand through the hysterical Garuda's hair.

Virgil screamed and thrashed his wings as the fiery, burning pain shot through his body. He didn't notice when Deceit slunk away. He didn't notice the water rising up through the cave. He didn't hear a certain human shout his name before diving into the stormy sea.

Logan wondered how he got into this mess. Following a human, on land, in a storm, to find an angry winged boy who's species is known to kill Naga.

Not crazy at all.

Logan sighed and was about to suggest they head back when the screaming started.

"There!" Roman pointed over to a cave that was filling up with water as the tide came in, "it came from over there!"

Roman took off running, ignoring the protests of the fawn and the merman. The other two watched as the human dove into the raging sea.

"He's going to get himself killed." Logan murmered under his breath, "Stay here Patton."

Patton nodded and Logan quickly ran after the idiotic human, taking off his bracelet right before he hit the water.

Logan scanned the water as he hooked the bracelet onto his necklace. A few meters away, he saw the opening of the cave. The merman started swimming towards it.

"Oh no..." Logan said when his head appeared over the water.

Virgil was writhing on the ground.


Virgil started sobbing, choking on his tears as well as his screams.

"Logan," Roman said, "he's not going to be able to hold his breath. Not like this."

"I know." Logan paused, thinking, "what if you carry him while I hold both of you above the surface?"

"Are you sure?" Roman asked.

Logan nodded, "now hurry, we need to get back to Patton."

Roman smirked and picked up Virgil, holding him tightly, "Does someone have a crush?"

Logan blushed bright red, "w-what? No! Just- hurry up!"

Roman chuckled, "okay, how is this going to work?"

"Get on my back, behind my fin, I'll swim us all out." Logan said, "if you start to sink, or if anything goes wrong, tap twice, okay?"

Roman nodded. He climed onto Logan's back, holding Virgil, who was still screaming, and nodded.

Logan started out of the cave. Who knew two people would be so heavy to carry in water? Luckily, the storm had calmed and they made it back to shore safely.

"Oh my goodness!" Patton yelled when he saw the state Virgil was in, "We have to get him back to my home! I need to help him!"

Virgil was on the brink of consciousness. Everything hurt. No, it burned. Like someone poured lava into his veins. He didn't even have the energy to scream anymore.

The Garuda felt someone touch his face. It felt like ice. Virgil felt something jarringly cold be placed on his forhead. He sighed in relief.

As the venom took its course, Virgil sunk deeper and deeper into unconsciousness.

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