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So I got tagged by @namjoon_bts_purple.This is my first time getting tagged so that makes me happy. Thank you for tagging me!

Crush: Yes I do have a crush

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Crush: Yes I do have a crush. I'll reveal that the first letter of his name is R ;))

Middle Name: I don't want to reveal too much but the first letter is an N

Shoe Size: I wear both men shoes and women. In men's, I'm a 3 and In women's sizes, I can fit into anything from 2 to 6 lol

Eye color: Black or like super dark brown

Last Time I cried: Last time I cried was actually really long ago. I'm not the type of person to cry so I cried like 2-3 years ago

Biggest Fear: My biggest fear is spiders, I just hate spiders so much! I'm pretty much what u call an animal person, but like I just hate spiders. It's not the type of fear and hate that I would cry because of it, but its the type of hate and fear where if someone screams spider(when there isn't one) I will like freak out. I hope that made sense lol.

The last song you listened to: The last song I listened to was Kick it by BLACKPINK

Last person you texted: The last person I texted was my friend Angel

Relationship Status: Single asfff

Fav Sports Team: I'm not a sports fan and I really don't know any Sports Teams so none really...

Fav color: My favorite color is black, but if it's not considered a color, then it's definitely purple.

Best friend: My best friends are these four girls and 3 boys. In wattpad they would be namjoon_bts_purple and others but the mentioning user's thing isn't really working which is really annoying but yeah, only one worked. The one that I talk to most is namjoon_bts_purple tho lol. Don't think I don't love any of you because I do<33

Fav Celebrity: I don't really have a favorite celebrity but if I had to choose, it would be Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Selena Gomez, and is like BTS and BLACKPINK considered celebrities? If they are, then they definitely come first lol

Any Scars: I have many scars because as a kid, I fell a lot, and because of that I have a lot of bruises and scars. The one that happened latest was when I was stabbed with a key on my hand. My friend and I had this contest to see who could last the longest with a key stabbing their hand. Lol, I sound so stupid, but I won so yay!

Kissed anyone: Yes I have kissed someone. It's actually a pretty weird and funny story so if you want to hear it, comment and I won't hesitate to tell you!

Someone I hate: I don't really hate anyone but if I have to choose, it would be this guy my best friend dated, Brandon. He's so self-centered and such an f-boy and it's so annoying because my friend gave him two chances already and he still hasn't learned. Along with that, he's not even that attractive!

Ever done drugs: No of course not! dOn't dO dRuGs kIdS! But seriously, drugs aren't good for you, there's always another way.

Height: I'm like 5'1, or 5'2, I'm definitely not taller or shorter but I also grew a little so I'm not sure.

Are you currently happy: No, not really. Some people make me feel like I'm on top of the world and others make me want to stab myself in the heart

Do you drink: Not a lot yet, but like I tasted it and got like sips here and there. Most of the times, they were like actually mistakes because I thought they were a different drink instead

Last thing I bought: The last thing I think I bought was Takis

Last thing I ate: Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Day or Night: I prefer Night much better

Fav Lyric: (Don't Change- Why Don't We)

All I'm tryna say is don't change
Every part of you is just right don't change
Not a single curve or one line
So why cover up your flaws
When they make you who you are?

Do you give second chances: I don't like giving second chances, but if it was someone I truly used to care about, I would want to give them a second chance and see if they could be better

Pet Peeve: One of my biggest Pet Peeve's would be when someone makes fun of me, my friends, my religion, my culture, my country. I find it so annoying when someone makes fun of it and it pisses me off so much. I want to hit them so hard once they do make fun of it

Random fact: Hm, I'm trying to think... Well, I like BTS and BLACKPINK. My bias is Lisa and Yoongi. I just love them so much. My favorite ships are Yoonmin, Taekook, Namjin, Jenlisa, and Chaesoo(in order) My bias wrecker for BTS is Jimin and in BLACKPINK it would be Jisoo, then Jennie. I can make my tongue do weird shape and that's pretty much it, I guess...

Current mood: I'm kind of happy I got tagged, but I'm also sad because of like the stuff that happens at school and stuff. These days, I've been like feeling really sad and angry so like I don't know.

Last Book I read: The last real book I read was 'Rumble Fish' and the Wattpad story I read last was Play Date by baektanned

Jealous type: Yes, I am the jealous type. I get like actually super jealous and that makes me super depressed, upset and angry for the whole day.

Birthday: January 19th, and I'm a Capricorn, like Taehyung!!

Obsession: BTS and BLACKPINK, and coffe god i love coffee so much...(and mint chocolate ice cream...)

Fav song: Oh god there's too many. I like all songs by BTS and all songs by BLACKPINK but if I had to like choose from those two, I would choose Dionysus for BTS and Kick It and Stay(Japanese ver) for BLACKPINK. I obviously like many other songs, but like, I don't want to write it all down so like I included just BTS and BP. I also like Why Don't We songs. They have really good voices and I think they are great

Worst Mistake: I think my worst mistake was giving someone that sexually harassed me a second chance

Someone I trust: Someone I trust is like two or three of my best friends. (I have like 7 or 8)

Do you believe in love: I do believe in love. I look at my parents and I know that they are in love so this makes me think that love is real

Are you okay: No. No, I'm not.

Okie! That's it! @namjoon_bts_purple, thank you sooo much for tagging me!  I hope you guys got to know something about me!<33

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