Chapter 13

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^^^ The way he fucking goes 'Yoongi-ah' really gets me I'm like UWUWUWUUW IT'S SO CUTE

Ok, so i really tried to like make this kinda fluffy and uwu-y and cute ig. I also tried to make it a bit sad at the end ig.  uh its been a while, I've been reading a lot meaning like wattpad stories, so i hope like reading stories like this will help me write better and ik its been a while but i thought that i should write since I haven't wrote in a long ass time. Bit long this time, 2000 smthing words. love yall and enjoy even tho its shitty as always~


"How are you?"

Jugnkook looked up, slightly startled by the sudden question. "O-Oh, uhm I'm fine, how are y-you H-Hyung?" Taehyung slightly smiled and looked down at Jungkook for a second, admiring how adorable the younger really was. "I'm fine too." He simply said while getting ready to drive. 

He looked at the younger one more time and reached over to him. Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw that Taehyung was right in front of him. Jungkook gulped as he realized how close they were to each other. Taehyungs warm,  minty breath fanned over the younger's neck, causing him to shiver and immediately flush red. He suddenly heard a click which snapped him out of his daze of Taehyung's slightly uneven but so kissable lips and realized that Taehyung wasn't in front of him anymore.

"Uh- Your seatbelt..." Taehyung stammered out. "Huh?"

"I didn't want you to uh- get hurt..." Jungkook looked outside the car window and muttered a small thank you while bowing his head slightly. Awkward silence (;-)) filled the car as Jungkook and Taehyung both refused to speak or even look at each other after what happened. Taehyung couldn't believe that he stuttered in front of Jungkook. What a fool he might have seemed like! Taehyung wanted to seem cool by flirting with Jungkook a bit, but he failed miserably and ended up looking like a complete idiot. 

He silently drove to the club and glanced at Jungkook who was looking outside. His eyes glimmered as he looked at the sunset. Taehyung couldn't help but coo as Jungkook shone under the light. "God he's beautiful" Taehyung whispered, hoping Jungkook didn't hear him. All these feelings were confusing to Taehyung. He never felt this way, and definitely didn't think he'd feel this towards a boy. He refused to think that he was gay and hoped the feelings would disappear soon.


"Th-Thank you for driving me here safe H-Hyung." Taehyung smiled and let out a small no problem and went entered the club with Jungkook. "I'll see you later Jungkook" Jungkook nodded and said bye to Taehyung, heading to his changing room. "Jungkookie!" Someone screamed, causing Jungkook to flinch but turn around smiling as he realized its probably Lisa."Hi Lisa!" Jungkook said, happy to see his only friend. "Well you're in a good mood today, aren't you Kookie?" I shrugged and walked with her towards the dressing rooms. "So, what's up?"

"The sky"

"ugh i hate you, why WHY would you ruin my mood like that!?" Lisa chuckled and grabbed Jungkook by his hand and made him sit down in the chair in front of the big mirror. "It's my job!" She said, smiling. "I really want to try this makeup on you, so I'm going to, and you'll look so good Taehyung won't be able to keep his eyes off of you!" Jungkook flushed pink, and hit Lisa in the hand, telling her to shut up. "Whatever, just do it before my performance!" Lisa basically squealed and started to immediately. After what seemed like 50 hours, Lisa finally screamed 'done!' and squealed as she saw how beautiful Jungkook looked. "Ahhh, Jungkookie! Why do you look better than I ever will!?" Jungkook giggled and blushed a little

"What are you saying, Lisa? You're so pretty, shush!"

"Don't lie to me! Now come take a look at the mirror!" Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned around to look at the mirror. "Whoa... I look like a whole different person!" He exclaimed as he saw how good he looked. Jungkook was so surprised as he normally saw himself as below average and pretty ugly. Looking at himself now, he'd never felt so confident. "L-Lisa how!? There's no way you did this with just makeup!" Lisa giggled and sat down exhaustly on the couch. 

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