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One Month Later...

Lisa began giving Chaeyoung a ride home on her motorcycle everyday after school. They had gotten closer and were becoming friends, but Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel some kind of way when she would see Lisa with another girl.

Chaeyoung was at her locker when Lisa  came up to her.

"Hey Chaeng I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me instead of taking you straight home after school." Lisa said while leaning against the locker next to Chaeyoung's.

"Um I would but I don't know how your girlfriend would feel about that since she already has a problem that you take me home."

Lisa just rolled her eyes at Chaeyoung's statement.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Sihyeon is not my girlfriend and she never will be. The girl I would like to be with sees me as nothing but a friend and a player." Chaeyoung could hear the hurt in Lisa's voice but choose not to say anything about it.

"Look I have to go to class, I'll let you know if I wanna go to the mall." Chaeyoung walked away without another word.



"So have you decided if you wanna go to the mall?" Lisa asked Chaeyoung once she walked up to her bike.

"Sure I guess, but I have to study for a test so we can't take long."

Lisa nodded. "Yes ma'am, now hop on."

Once they got to the mall they walked around for a bit window shopping and talking before Lisa finally suggested that they should grab something to eat. They sat down at a Thai place and Lisa ordered for them.

"So I guess this is our first date." Lisa joked but Chaeyoung wasn't laughing.

"Why did you ask me to hangout with you?"

Lisa put her glass of water that she was drinking before answering Chaeyoung.

"Because I like you and wanna spend more time with you. I know you have your thoughts about me but I want to change them and show you I'm not the person you think I am."

Chaeyoung look down at her plate then back at Lisa. She could see a look on Lisa's face that was genuine.

"I don't have thoughts about you, at least not anymore. I've never had a girlfriend and I don't want to get hurt, especially by you."

Lisa reached across the table and held Chaeyoung's hand. "I'd never hurt you Chaeyoung. I've never felt this way before and I want you. I really, really want you."

Chaeyoung didn't know what came over her, but she ran out of the restaurant hearing Lisa call after her. When she finally stopped she was at one of the huge department stores that could take an hour to walk through. She was so out of it that she didn't realized she was pushed against a wall until she heard Lisa's voice.

"Chaeng, are you ok?" Lisa had her hands on each side of Chaeyoung's face.

"I like you Lisa. I like you and I'm scared that this isn't real and you'll hurt me and you're playing me."

"I'm not going to hurt you Chaeyoung. I swear." Lisa kissed her hard and deep.



Five Months Later...

"Lisa what are you doing here?!" Chaeyoung whisper yelled to Lisa who was climbing up the drainpipe connected to the Park home.

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