Chapter V

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"So, you're going to Los Angeles?" Emily said as she and Beca were having dinner together in their apartment.

"Yes," Beca nodded. "I just have to look after this woman for a little while."

"How long is a little while?"

"I don't know. Hopefully, not long."

Emily sighed, pushing her pasta around with her fork.

"Talk to me," Beca pleaded.

"It's just... are you sure you're ready to go back out there? You were so nervous yesterday and this morning but now you're confident."

"Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course I am. I'm proud of you for getting back out there but you know I worry."

"I know you do, babe, but I can assure you that I'll be fine. I think it'll be good for me to get away for a bit. I'll get away from the city and I'll get a break in a way. Witness Protection cases are a piece of cake, you know that."

"I do but that doesn't mean I still don't worry about you. You're my everything, Becs."

"And you're my everything, too, but I need you to trust me and trust Gail. She wouldn't have sent me if she didn't think I could do it."

"I know. Gail is a good woman and I love the fact that she's taken care of you over these past six months. I wouldn't trust anyone else to give you a mission."

"Me either."

"Promise to call every day, okay? I want regular check-ins."

Beca chuckled. "I will, babe. Don't worry about me too much."

"You know I can't help it."

"I know but I'm sure your job will keep you busy, too."

"Oh, please," Emily scoffed. "Being a lawyer's PA is about as boring as watching paint dry."

"Oh, come on. Don't say that. You love what you do. You get really cool cases and you get to see things other people don't."

"It's not as exciting as what you do."

"It's safer and that's what I want for you."

Emily smiled at her girlfriend. "I know you do." She then leaned in and gave Beca a tender kiss.

Beca and Emily had been dating for several years now. They both met at a bar one night when Beca was celebrating her promotion to Special Agent. Beca was out with Jesse and some other workmates while Emily celebrated graduating from university with a Law degree. The two quickly locked eyes from across the room and joined parties where Beca and Emily got to know each other and before they knew it, they shared their first kiss together and decided to start dating and they've been together ever since.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?" Emily murmured in their kiss once it got heated.


"Excellent." Emily got up, took Beca's hand, and led her to the bedroom.

The two hadn't been intimate for quite some time due to Beca's depression but Beca was going to be away from her girlfriend for a little while so she wanted to leave on a good note and so did Emily.


After a six-hour flight, Beca and Chloe had arrived in Los Angeles and were on their way to Chloe's new apartment. Chloe had been given the rundown of her new life and the rules she had to follow. Since Chloe was a quick learner, she was able to memorise her story just as if were her real one. Beca was quite impressed since most people in Witness Protection often messed up before they really nailed it but Chloe seemed to nail it instantly.

"This place is huge..." Chloe said, looking out the window of their cab. "I've always wanted to go to L.A."

"Yeah?" Beca said.

"Yeah. It's really beautiful here."

"It is."

The rest of the journey was silent as they travelled to Chloe's new apartment but it wasn't as awkward as some may think since Beca kept staring at Chloe the entire time, completely encapsulated by the woman's beauty. Chloe never wore makeup unless she was working and Beca was glad because Chloe was naturally beautiful and she didn't need makeup.

The trip was a bit too short for Beca's liking since she enjoyed looking at Chloe but she had to put that aside and focus on the mission, which was keeping Chloe safe. The two pulled up to Chloe's apartment and went inside and it was all furnished and it looked like it had been lived in. It was incredible and Chloe was taken aback.

"This place is beautiful!" Chloe stated.

"Yeah... It's not too bad is it?" Beca nodded.

The interior was new and it was modern. The main colours were black, white, and grey. It was sleek and stylish and Chloe loved it. It was certainly an upgrade from her tiny apartment back in New York. Chloe had a good look around before she went into her bedroom and started unpacking her things. Beca put her bags in her room, which was across from Chloe's, and scanned the perimeter, making sure the security system was working and active.

"Miss Snow?" Beca made her way back inside and into Chloe's room. "Miss Snow?"

"Do you really have to call me by my fake name while we're in the apartment?" Chloe asked, putting away the final things from her bags.

"Yes, I must call you by your alias the entire time you're here."

"Why do I have an alias and you don't?"

"Because I'm not being chased by drug dealers."

"Fair enough. Although, since you're supposed to be posing as my friend, I don't think you'd call me Miss Snow all the time."

"Sorry, it's a force of habit."

"If it's not too much to ask... do you think you could call me Chloe within the privacy of our home? I still want to be me, you know?"

Beca nodded, hesitant. "I'll do my best, Chloe."

"Thank you. So, ah, what do we do now?"

"Well, I suggest you get settled in first. Take things easy for the first day then tomorrow we'll go from there."

"Okay, that sounds good."

"Excellent. I've checked everything and the security systems are up and running so you don't need to worry about that."


"With that done, I'm going to get settled into my room now. Call out if you need me."

"Will do. Thanks, Beca."

"You're welcome," Beca smiled then left Chloe's room and began getting situated in her room.

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