Chapter IX

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Beca was awoken by her phone ringing. The brunette opened her eyes to find herself lying on her bedroom floor with a massive headache.

"What the Hell was that...?" Beca groaned then grabbed her phone and saw that Chief Abernathy was calling her. "Hello?"

"Mitchell! Where have you been?" The woman's voice was high with panic.

"I just got knocked out..."

"By Emily?"

"I... I don't know... I think so. I found a gun in her drawers. How did you know?"

"Beca, Chicago isn't the ringleader of the drug cartel."

"He's... he's not?"

"No. Emily is."

Beca's eyes flung open at the news. "She... she's what?"

"She's been running this whole thing. Chicago was just the pawn, the distraction. Emily's the leader and Chicago is her right-hand man. It's no wonder things were still operating when we caught him. Emily was in on it the whole time. She knew that Chicago was going to get caught. She knew that we were on their tail. Now that Chicago's been arrested, she's had to come out of the shadows to continue her operation. She knew everything we were doing."

"All because of me..." Beca uttered. "She... she used me..."

It all made sense to Beca. The night they met, Beca knew that there was something off about Emily. She wasn't quite sure what it was but she pushed her doubts aside because she thought that she loved the girl. The lying, the aggression, the constant questions about her missions, her phone mysteriously being left at home... Emily was always one step ahead of the FBI and what better way to do that than be in a relationship with their best agent who knew everything?

"I'm sorry, Mitchell. I really am," Chief Abernathy said.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I just broke up with her and it looks like she didn't take the news well."

The Chief laughed softly. Beca was known for making jokes and remarks during difficult and stressful times.

"So, Emily's the leader. What do we do then?" Beca asked.

"We need to find her but you need to come into the Bureau immediately. Are you fit to walk?"

"Yeah... I think so..."

"Good. Get here as soon as you can."

"On it, Chief." Beca hung up then slowly stood, feeling her head throb. "God... Never known her to hit that hard... Bitch."

The brunette took a few moments to get herself orientated before she called a cab and made her way to the Bureau.


Beca got to the Bureau within the hour and made her way straight to the conference room where Chief Abernathy was holding a meeting with all of the top agents. She was going through a rundown of their new Intel and their potential plans to stop Emily who was now considered a massive threat and who needed to be stopped immediately. Of course, Beca was given the lead on the case since she knew Emily better than anyone and just as they were planning their next mission, the FBI were interjected.

"Chief, we're receiving a call from an unknown source by the name of Chloe Beale," an agent said.

Beca's eyes went wide and her blood went cold.

"Patch me through."

The agent did as requested.

"Chief Abernathy. Miss Beale, are you alright?"

"Hello, Chief," it was Emily. "How are you today?"

"Emily? Why are you using this name?"

"Oh, Beca can tell you that."

Everyone turned to Beca who was beginning to panic.

"Someone wants to say hello to her,"

There was a muffling noise then a voice. "Beca?" It was Chloe.

"Chloe?" Beca uttered.

"Beca? She's talking to you," Emily said and Beca ran over to the phone.

"Emily!" Beca snapped. "What are you doing with her? Let her go!"

"No, I don't think I will."


"What? I'm just getting to know the love of your life. Oop! I shouldn't have said that, should I? Oh, well. I'm sure the Bureau was going to learn sooner or later that their top agent violated her oath by sleeping with her client."

Chief Abernathy glared at Beca but the brunette just looked down at the phone.

"Let her go, Emily! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Beca said.

"She's a witness, Beca, and you know that all good criminals don't leave witnesses. It's a shame to see her go."

"Emily! DON'T!"

"I tell you what, I'll make a deal with you. You give me Chicago and I'll give you Chloe. Fair?"

"Emily, I swear to God I'll-"

"Deal," Chief Abernathy said.

"Excellent! Meet me at the warehouse on Fourth Street near the pier in an hour. I want Beca to come and only Beca. Any funny business you know what'll happen." Emily hung up.

"Chief, I can explain," Beca began.

"I don't want to hear it right now, Mitchell," she snapped. "You know the rules and yet you go and break them as if they mean nothing to you."

"It's not like that."

"Oh, it's not? Then what is it like?"

"I know what I did was bad but I love that woman. I've never loved anyone like I have her. Let me go and get her. Please. I can't lose her like I lost Jesse. Please, Gail, I'm begging you."

The blonde looked into Beca's eyes and saw the desperation in them, which made her cave.

"Fine. You bring her back then come straight here, understand?"

"Yes, Chief. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. You're still in big shit. Now go and get that sack of shit Walp and exchange him for Chloe. You don't have much time."

"On it, Chief." Beca darted out of the conference room and made her way to the cells.

She was going to get Chloe back one way or another. She wasn't looking forward to her punishment but all she cared about at that moment was getting Chloe back safe. Everything else didn't matter. Chloe was her priority - Chloe was ALWAYS her priority.

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