Chapter VIII

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Catching Chicago wasn't as easy as the FBI had planned. The man was quick and smart. He knew the FBI was looking for him so he did everything in his power to evade them. However, he wasn't smart enough when he planned to meet with a regular buyer but this time, it was a trap and Chicago and all of his workers got arrested on the spot. Beca soon received the news and she had to tell Chloe that she was no longer required to be in Witness Protection. She was safe to return to New York and live her life that she once did. The women were happy that it was over since it gave them the opportunity to start dating but they were also sad. They liked living the life that they did. They liked living in their own little world together but unfortunately, it all came to an end and before they knew it, they were on their way back to New York.

Beca was helping Chloe get settled back into her apartment, which was tiny. It only had a bedroom, a bathroom, and the rest of it was one big room that had a kitchen, a dining table, and a tiny living area. It was small but it suited Chloe fine. When Beca was done helping Chloe, it was time for her to go back to her own home but she was reluctant.

"Promise to check-in with me every day," Beca told Chloe, holding her hands.

"I promise and you do the same and promise me that you'll call me if something's bothering you - I don't care how big or small it is. You promise me."

"I will."

Beca and Chloe looked at each other intensely before they threw themselves at one other for a kiss and a cuddle.

"I'll come to visit you," Beca uttered.

"I don't want you to get into trouble."

"I won't. I'll talk to Gail and see if we can figure something out. You're no longer my client."

"What if she says no?"

"Then we'll find a way. We'll run away if we have to."


"I don't want to live without you, Chloe. You're my everything. I never knew I could feel this way about anyone before."

"Oh, Beca..." Chloe held onto the brunette tighter before giving her a loving kiss. "Be safe, baby. Please."

"I will." Beca gave Chloe another kiss then left her apartment.

Beca knew the first thing she had to do when she got home was to break up with Emily. She wasn't going to tell her that she met someone else. She wouldn't put Chloe in that position, especially since Chloe was Beca's client.

Beca got home and as soon as she walked through the door, she felt cold. She got a chill down her spine and she felt like she was going to fall back into the dark abyss that she just got out of. Beca knew right then and there that she definitely couldn't do this anymore. She knew it was going to be difficult since she and Emily had been together for several years but she wanted Chloe. Beca felt more happiness and joy in the little time she had with Chloe than she did in her entire time with Emily.

"Em!" Beca called out. "I'm home!"

Beca didn't have to wait long until Emily walked out of the hallway. Her eyes lit up when she saw her girlfriend.

"There she is!" Emily raced towards the woman and flung her arms around her neck. "Oh, I missed you!" Emily began peppering Beca's face and neck with kisses.

"Hey," she chuckled. "I missed you, too."

Emily continued to kiss the tiny brunette until Beca pushed her away. Emily frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Beca sighed. "Let's sit, Em," Beca led Emily over to the couch and sat with her. "Listen... I need to talk to you about something."

"Is everything okay?"

"I'm okay but... we're not."

"What... what do you mean?"

"Em... I'm not happy. I haven't been happy for a while now. During my time away, I did a lot of thinking and... I don't think this is working out."

"What's not working out?" Emily asked with a shaky voice.

"Us. Our relationship."

"You're not happy with me?"

"Em, I like you, but I don't love you and... I can't see a future with you."

"Is this because of what happened before you left? Becs, I thought we moved past that?"

"It's not just that, Em. We argue all the time, you're violent towards me, and I end up apologising for it... It's not right. None of it is. I can't be with you anymore."

"Beca..." Emily whimpered. "Please..."

"I'm sorry, but... I need to look after myself and I haven't been doing a very good job lately. You're not right for me, Emily, I'm sorry."

"No," Emily shook her head. "We can't just end it like this, Beca. We... we need to try," Emily was on the verge of tears.

"We have, Em. We've been trying for years but it's hasn't got us anywhere. I end up apologising for your behaviour and I'm left to feel shitty."

"Beca, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you keep saying that."

Emily wiped her eyes. "Can you just give me another chance? I'll change."

"I have, Emily. I've given you chance after chance and you don't change."

"No, Beca," Emily grabbed the woman's arm. "You're not leaving me."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not." Emily's grip was tighter so much so that it hurt Beca.

"Emily, let go."

"No. You're not leaving."

"Yes, I am!" Beca ripped Emily's hand off her and stood.

"No! You are not!" Emily stood and went to hit Beca but the brunette grabbed Emily's wrist and held it firmly.

"You will NEVER hit me again," Beca warned.

Emily glared at Beca then stepped back once Beca released her hand. The tiny brunette made her way into the bedroom and began packing up her things. She went into the wardrobe and grabbed at her clothes then went into the chest of drawers that she shared with Emily to grab more clothes. However, when grabbing her clothes, Beca noticed something black under Emily's side of the drawers. Beca reached underneath and pulled out a gun.

"What the...?" Beca knew it wasn't hers and just as she turned around to go to Emily, she was knocked out cold.

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