Chapter VII

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To say things were going well between Beca and Chloe would have been an understatement. Sure, things started out rather awkward since two people who barely knew each other were living together in a city they have never lived in before. It was all very strange and it felt odd but Chloe being the bright and outgoing person that she was, she got to know Beca. Not Special Agent Beca Mitchell but just Beca Mitchell. Chloe wanted to know who she was and what she liked and disliked and a bunch of other things. Of course, Beca was very standoffish when Chloe tried to breach her walls but again, Chloe was different so it didn't take long for Chloe to break through them. Beca was still closed off here and there but she felt closer to Chloe and she would have even gone as far as she felt closer to Chloe than most of the people she worked with and she trusted them with her life!

The first few weeks were awkward but the two women got to know quite a lot about each other and they grew quite close. One thing that really pushed Beca out of her comfort zone was sleeping in bed with Chloe the first night. Beca didn't like sleeping with people. She preferred to be alone when she slept but it wasn't so bad with Chloe. Chloe was a peaceful sleeper and for the first time in her life, Beca felt comfortable sleeping next to a stranger. Beca didn't think much of it but then she woke up the next morning with Chloe's head on her shoulder and arm around her waist. Beca quickly got up before Chloe did to avoid any awkward conversation but Chloe was well aware of the incident. Sleeping with Beca was comforting in many ways so she invited the brunette to sleep with her the following night and the night after that and soon enough, it just became a routine. Beca wouldn't bother going into her bedroom when it was time for bed, she would just go into Chloe's and hop into bed with her.

Chloe even convinced Beca to cuddle with her, which just started out as Chloe resting her head on Beca's shoulder with Beca's arm around her. Beca was unsure if it was appropriate for them to be so intimate for many reasons the main one being that Beca was her client and also, Beca had a girlfriend. Beca knew she should have put her foot down and said no but she couldn't. Every time she got into bed with Chloe and put her arm around her, she was lost and she didn't want to move. However, the cuddling only escalated and eventually, the two women fell asleep spooning and woke up the same way. The most interesting part about it was that Beca's sleep improved dramatically as did Chloe's. Beca wasn't sure what it was and neither did Chloe but they soon realised that they were deeply attracted to one another. Chloe always had a thing for the badass vibe and Beca was a sucker for redheads. It was a match made in heaven but they both knew they couldn't act on their feelings.

The knowledge of that was crippling and it made the tension between the two women thicker and thicker and it was almost unbearable after a month. Beca had never felt anything like this towards anyone before, not even Emily but being with Chloe made Beca realise that she wasn't happy with Emily. Emily was violent. Emily was emotionally abusive and Beca didn't realise that until now. Chloe was everything Beca wanted in a person and vice versa. Beca was protective, caring, loyal, and smart. Chloe loved everything about Beca and if she was being honest, she got quite turned on whenever Beca went into Special Agent mode - being protective and cautious, making sure that Chloe was safe, and ensuring that people didn't get too close to her. Chloe's thoughts and feelings only escalated to the point where Chloe wanted to jump Beca's bones. She wanted Beca badly. She knew it was wrong and she knew the risks but she had never wanted someone so much, both sexually and romantically.

Chloe could see herself with Beca and all of her emotions were so overwhelming that she just wanted to act on them. Beca was so helpful and caring and Chloe knew it wasn't Beca just doing her job. After all the time they spent together, the two of them were practically in a relationship without the romance. They acted like an old married couple. They would go out together, get their shopping, come home, make dinner, watch TV, go to bed, and fall asleep in one another's arms. Just little things like that, pretending to have a normal life, made the two women fall harder and harder for each other. If they were together, they knew what it'd be like and they liked it. Beca wanted to be with Chloe and Chloe wanted to be with Beca.

Beca still spoke to Emily but the contact she had with her lessened over time and Beca couldn't help but notice how better she was feeling. She got to the point where she didn't need to take her antidepressants. Beca was feeling confident in herself again and she felt better about herself and about Jesse's death. Beca even got to the point where she was able to tell Chloe all about Jesse and even cry with her about him. That's how strong the bond was between the women. Beca trusted Chloe and Chloe trusted Beca with more than just her life. Chloe shared everything about herself to Beca and Beca soaked it all up like a sponge. She was fascinated by Chloe's life and even got the opportunity to hear the redhead sing. She had the voice of an angel and Beca decided one night to go out to a bar with Chloe and get her to sing karaoke but Chloe wasn't doing it alone so she dragged Beca up on the stage with her and to Chloe's astoundment, Beca was an amazing singer and the two of them blew the audience away and ended up winning the competition.

However, the women weren't interested in the competition. They weren't interested in anything else but each other and after a month and a bit of thick sexual tension, Beca and Chloe couldn't keep it up anymore. After they got home from the bar, they shared their first kiss together, which turned into a makeout session that ended up with Beca picking Chloe up and carrying her to the bedroom to make love.

"So what now?" Chloe asked.

Chloe was currently resting in Beca's arms as the brunette gently stroked her red hair.

"I don't know," Beca uttered. "I could lose my job and even go to prison..."

"I won't tell anyone, Becs, I wanted it just as much as you, if not more."

"I know," Beca grabbed Chloe's hand that was on her chest and kissed it. "We'll figure something out, okay?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble."

"I won't. We just need to keep this between us. Can you do that for me until I figure things out?"

"Of course." Chloe sat up and kissed the brunette tenderly. "You can depend on me."

Beca chuckled then kissed Chloe again before the redhead nestled back into her arms.

"I know I can."

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